View Full Version : You know your a fish geek when.....

04-11-2008, 07:30 PM
Got this from BC Aquaria forum..

..You go to Marius's bbq and the guys put fish plants in your bikini instead of money.
... your partner sign up on the fish forum just to talk to you.
...you think of work as the time you spend in between water changes.
...after a hard day you wonder if a little squirt of Stress Coat in your drink would make you feel better.
...you check the nutrition labels on your fish food, but don't even bother when it's something you're planning to eat.
...you open the fridge and you see earthworms next to the butter, blood worms next to the cheese, brine shrimp next to the mayo, and a bottle of Cycle on the side door by the Ranch.
...you have more fish medicine and additives than you do your own vitamins and prescriptions.
...you get all excited and point out when you see a fish tank in a movie and your spouse just rolls their eyes.
...you're at the LFS and you hear the advice he/she gave a customer and either laugh or pull the customer aside and tell them the real deal.
...you try to figure a way you might be able to keep fish in a pool.
...you're up at 1am on a Sat. night posting comments on a great Cichlid Forum!!!
...even though you live in a severe storm area, you park the car in the driveway because you have tanks in the garage.
...you have to decide between your favorite restaurant and those cute new fish at the lfs...and you end up having cheerios for dinner, and have to find a spot for your new acquisitions.
...An important part of every vacation is touring as many fish stores as you can in each city you visit.
...You ask at the lfs for a Synodontis multipuntatus and the sales girl says to you, "What?? Is that a disease or something??"
...You carry pictures of your tank and individual fish in your wallet, instead of your kids or spouse.
...You have more than one setup in your home, and you're trying to get them to set one up at work, too.
...You chat amiably during lunch with co-workers about breeding habits and spawning among your fish (and they are non-fish people).
...You know where every fish store is within at least a 25 mile radius, and you even know of some as far away as 50 miles or more.
...You feed the fish before you feed your family.
...You call home during the day to see how the fish are doing. (My husband works nights.)
...You wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink/go to the bathroom and you get the flashlight out to look at the fish, so as not to disturb them.
...You have a doctor's/dentist's appointment and start to tell them how "relaxing" a fish tank would be in their waiting area.
...Most of your purchases on your last credit card statement were for the lf stores.
...You read the fish food ingredients label to make sure it is wholesome, and then grab a burger for yourself at a fast food restaurant.
...You have about 5 different fish magazine subscriptions.
...You send pictures of your new tank setup/new fish to all your friends and relatives in emails.
...You can't wait to see what new posts are on CichlidForums.com.
...You have more pictures of your fish than of your family.
...You feed your cat (feline, that is) algae chips as a snack.
...You chat amiably during lunch with co-workers about breeding habits and spawning among your fish (and they are non-fish people).
...You know where every fish store is within at least a 25 mile radius, and you even know of some as far away as 50 miles or more.
...Most of your purchases on your last credit card statement were for the lf stores.
...You read the fish food ingredients label to make sure it is wholesome, and then grab a burger for yourself at a fast food restaurant.
...You can't wait to see what new posts are on CichlidForums.com.
...Family and friends who know you have a sick fish, call up to see how the fish is doing.
...You wonder about your fishes' happiness.
...You think your fish should have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
...You cry when your fish dies.
...you plan your day around your fishes feeding times.
...if you stress out because your fish are stressed out.
...if you are considering moving all you furniture from the living room to the bedroom to make more room for tanks.
...if you wish there was a aquarium TV channel.
...if you have more fish food then food for yourself.
...if you put off your bills to get more fish stuff.
...You catch yourself talking to you fish.
...you talk to your fish more then your spouse.
...you talk about your fish to people so much that when they come over your house they were expecting to see children.
... you know the exact day every lfs in your area gets their new shipment every week
... you have aquariums set up in your living room... your bedroom... your bathroom... your kitchen.. in the hallway... in the closet.... in the garage....
... you have a 'fish fund' in your monthly budget
...you know the Latin names of every species living in your tanks (including the algae and bacterium's)
...your tanks are always cleaner than your house.
...you say "I'd love to go out, but tonight is gravel vac night."
..."A free week in Paris? Um... lemme see if I can find someone to watch my fish".
...(related to previous)"We've only known each other for 8 years. I don't know if I'd trust you to take care of them...."
..."Well, Sorry. Paris is off. One of my wild-caught is holding".
...You go to buy flowers for your planters, come home with one petunia and 85 pounds of rock that will never, ever, ever see outside again.
...(related to the last one) You have a canning pot on the stove. Someone asks what's cooking and you say "Rocks" without thinking that it's odd to have rocks on the stove.
...You compete about the number of posts you have on cichlid forums
...You go to a restaurant and steal food to bring home for your fish.
...You seriously really need to stay home to baby-sit your new fish because you cannot yet leave him unattended not knowing how your new fish is going to react with it's new tank mates or how they will react with him.
...You refer to your real life friends by their Cichlid Forums screen names.
...the only reason you clean your bedroom is because somebody is coming over to look at your tanks in the said room.
...it's your homepage on your internet explorer.
...you rant about inaccurate depictions of fish-keeping in commercials.
...you look at a baggie containing doo-doo brown cichlid pellets that look like rabbit pellets and mumble to yourself, "ooh, this looks yummy." For your fish.
...you enjoy watching what my husband has labeled as "fish porn" (AKA your friends' videos of spawning mouthbrooding cichlids).
...your seat at the dinner table is the one facing away from the tank so that you talk to your guests/husband and not stare at the fish all night.
...you think entertaining your friends after dinner entails feeding worms to the fish and watching them fight.
...you turn down a night out because you have to spend the evening doing a photo shoot with your fish
...you use up three memory cards on your digital cam in that one night
...the first thing you do when you walk in the door is check to see if anyone replied to your posts on cichlidforums.com
...you are watching a movie and get so distracted by the aquarium in the scene that you can't follow the follow the movie anymore.
...you get outraged by the actors tapping the glass.
...you have a better cichlid selection than your LFS
...your parents just decided to plan a trip to the states to get Christmas present, and all you can think of is looking for new fish stores there.
...you can't remember all your usernames and passwords for every fish forum you are signed up for.
...when you tape your fish tank, record it on a DVD and play it in your bedroom to fall asleep to or your kids room for them to fall asleep to.
...when the power went out yesterday, you wondered how you where going to tell your mother that you wont be coming to her birthday party cause you are worried about the oxygen levels with the power out.
...or you reach for the portable power and plug in the bubble walls while hubby is holding the pan to cook and the kids are screaming cause they are hungry. Forget that, I need to hook up the fish stuff.
...you see that add to bring your pets to have a photo shoot with Santa and you wonder how you could get all your fish there at once and what Santa would say.
...Your fiancee tells you that your fish are not to be invite to your wedding... before you even ask!
ou know you are a fish geek when:
...you felt rich when you had a garage full of 8 empty tanks, HOB filters, salts, bubble lines, bubblers, gravel, feed, and other various equipment odds & ends that you got from garage sales or trades
...you felt like you had just lost a high stakes round of poker when you came home and a magic fairy had cleaned out the garage of all your prized, pack-rat posessions, but at the same time told yourself only a crazy fish person would feel that way. Ha...haha.... O_o
...you visit an LFS so often that you "just happen" to visit every time the new order of fish come in
...you have imagined a 3" tall tank that bends around walls was placed in your family room, taking the focus away from the TV, and filled with fish and flora!
...you religiously watch craigs list ads for fish stuff
...you post all the fish ads from craigs list on a favorite fish forum (hahaha Jennifer)
...you check out all the ads that someone has posted from Craigs List (oooo... :\)
.. if it hurts to spend $20 at Superstore for human food, and drop $100+ at the LFS without blinking an eye.

... if you start aquascaping your tank after midnight.

... if you decide to do your water changes after 1 in the morning.

... if you haven't gone on a proper vacation (more than 4 days) in over five years because you don't want to leave your tanks alone.

... if you plan your vacations by visiting fish friends in different towns and cities.

... if doing a 23 hours long round trip from Vancouver to Calgary and back to pick up a custom tank with a fish friend sounds like a good time.

... if moving your fish tanks is the most stressful part of moving your home.

... if you decide to buy the place you're renting just so you never have to tear down and move your reef tank (Guilty to all of the above )


phat nguyen
04-11-2008, 07:53 PM
Hello Francis,
Thank you for reminding us of who we really are.I do share lots of the info.that you posted above.

Perry Nguyen

04-12-2008, 11:42 AM
LOL, those are great.

04-14-2008, 04:05 PM
OK I guess I am officially a fish geek then....lol

captain morgan
12-01-2008, 11:54 PM
Guilty of many and working on the rest!
Getting married - great
Having children - wonderful
Buying more fish - priceless

12-02-2008, 05:56 PM
methinks someone has way too much time on their hands :D

Get to those water changes :mad: :D:D