View Full Version : How often is everyone feeding.....

04-14-2008, 12:32 PM
How often is everyone feeding 2.5" to 3.5" discus a day. I have eight 2.5" to 3.5" discus in my tank and they probably go through about 6-8 of the hikari frozen bloodworms/brineshrimp/beefheart a day. I feed two frozen cubes at a time, about 4 times a day. Always seems like they can eat more, so I'm wondering am I over-feeding, under-feeding or just right. Because the tank is planted I don't just leave the food their to siphon out later. They usually finish everything. What about you guys?


Tropical Haven
04-14-2008, 01:38 PM
You are not overfeeding at all, if they still seem hungry after 4 times a day you can always go 5 times a day without a problem.

04-14-2008, 01:59 PM
Are you only feeding blood worms? You might consider offering other types of food for a more balanced diet. I feed mine FBW, FBS, Omega 1 flake, Hikari discus pellets, Tetra color bits

Don Trinko
04-14-2008, 02:34 PM
I agree with Aquagal. Most frozen foods are 90% or more water. Some people add vitamins to beefheart. I feed 4 times a day; 1st flake, 2nd FBW, 3rd color bits and last discus pellets. My fish started 2 to 2 1/2 and are now (1 yr) 5" to 6" I do have one that only eats FBW ; it is only 3" after a year.
Don T.

MD Bandit
04-14-2008, 02:48 PM
I get home at 5:30, tank lights come on by timer. By the time I get changed and settled in, there at the front, wanting food. The 7 discus in the 90 get 2 Hikari FBW cubes with 1 different on added,depending on the day of the week. The 4 discus in the 45 get same but half the amout, for now anyway. Then, around 8pm, I do another cube of bloodworms mixed with Tetra Color bits. They pick the bottom over until lights out at 11pm. Usually, the bottom is clean too. Each day I change up the 1 added different cube in addition to the bloodworm staple.
I have Ocean Nutrition Frozen, Jack Wattley Frozen, Hikari Spirilna Shrimp, SF Brand Freeze Dried worms. I'm stuck with 2 packs of the Frozen Beefheart cubes. For some reason, they hate that stuff and won't touch it.
Mornings they get some Tetra Flake food and some Color bits to pick the bottom all day until I get home.
I'm leaning on trying them on those Hakari Pellets that my son feeds his African Chichlids in his 55.
Now, if I can just get the two oddballs in the 90 to start eating like the other 5 in there, I'll be all set. They just stare at the food and swim right by it.

04-14-2008, 03:54 PM
I feed 2.5" to 3.5" 4 or 5 times a day. Eight fish of that size would get 4 cubes each meal at my place. My discus grow very fast and huge. :D

04-14-2008, 04:08 PM
Along with frozen bloodworms, I'm also feeding frozen brine shrimp and beef heart. I also have tetra bits, but they are not too fond of it, I'm definitely going to try what you do, and sprinkle some in the morning while I'm gone at work for them to pickup throughout the day. I know that tetra bits and other dry food can be good for discus, but I don't want to starve them just to get them to eat it. I hear starving at this young of an age can cause stunting. Is a combination of frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, beefheart and tetra bits variety enough to keep them growing healthy? It's interesting to know everyones feeding regime. Thanks.


04-14-2008, 07:18 PM
I have 4 in a 55 gallon.

I feed them 1 frozen cube about 2-3 times a day. I'll adjust depending on how fast they ate the last serving.

04-14-2008, 11:49 PM
I usually feed 1 frozen meal in the morning (FBW or brine shrimp) usually also a little omega-3 color flakes to spice things up after the FBW is all gone and they are still begging' for more, four meals during the day with an automatic feeder feeding tetra color bits (9:AM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, and 5:00 pm). I also then I usually feed either FWB, brine shrimp, or beefheart depending on the day at about 7:30pm and then do my water change. Seems to be working pretty well, fish are growing like crazy except my millenniums gold which is horrible picky eater (likes only FBW martinis I guess). I'm not an expert however but I think I've learning from the best. :D