View Full Version : discus not eating well

04-16-2008, 10:23 AM
About 11 days ago, I added 5 new discus to a lone surviving discus in my 70 gallon tank. See a post made on 4/5, adding discus to a discus etc. The orginal discus was removed to another tank, and initially the 5 did well, and ate black worms and 3 of them ate tetra bits. The two that did not eat the bits came from the same tank, so I might assume they were not as used to them as the others. Two have stopped eating, one that ate bits and one that did not. One of the two might be a little dark, or at least a little less colorful, but not really dark and cetrainly not black. They move toward food, but get tenative and do not "take the bite". The "less colorful fish was the dominant fish in the tank it was selected from, but is not the boss in this group, although no clear boss has emerged and bickering has continued to be minimal. One fish that is eating took up residence under the stump for 3 days, and did not come out, but continued to eat. Worms seem to drift under the stump. After 3 days he came out and has been fine and continued to eat. after an "empty stump cave" day, another has been under the stump for 3 or 4 days, but continues to eat. I observed some gill rubbing, not bad, but I have done a PraziPro treatment. this is the 3rd day and have seen no rubbing for 2 days. They seem to still be adjusting to each other. Should I remain patient? What about turning the light off for a few days. They do not seem bothered by the light, and do not hide when it is on, but might be more comfortable with it off, or should I not "baby" theim on the light issue since light does not seem to be an issue?

Thanks for your help. I lost some of my first discus, all but one, and do not want to make more mistakes.


04-18-2008, 08:49 PM

Discus will hide if given the chance, & if they are in a high traffic area & aren't used to it.

They say the best Discus usually to buy are the 1's swimming in the front of the tank when you approach, I guess for various reasons.

Discus can go dark when placed in a tank, usually till they get used to the environment. Sometimes the water conditions/practice from where they come from they are so used too & can take a while, even may not make it(don't panic, this does occur).

Lighting should be slowly introduced to Discus when first placing them into a home aquarium, although Ive found it not necessary in cases where fish come from local lfs. You have had them in the tank for a while now, just try keep a routine in the times you put on & off the lights, feed when you put them on & they will get used to lights-on=food.

Patience is the biggest key in our aquarium hobby, which most of us lack at times, so when in any situation take a step back & think about it or ask as you are now, NO matter how bad it looks.

Regards Armandi ;)