View Full Version : Odd...

04-16-2008, 09:05 PM
This is kind of odd...

I have had one of my Discus of almost a year, never had any problems with it, and it has been 2nd in charge for a long time... Now, my Cobalt Blue (who has been relatively timid) and my big blue diamond are really bossing it around. They will not let this fish eat, but they allow the other two Discus to eat, nor do they let him come out and about very much... Not sure what has happened?? Do you think they formed a pair?? I thought if they did they would be attacking the other Discus too, but it is only the one... If anyone can shed some light on this matter it would be much appreciated.

I might add he still has an appetite, but they don't let him eat much :( ...

Tank size: 50 gallons
Fish kept: 5 Discus, 1 Angel, 2 Ram
Water Changes: 30% daily
Water Stats: Ph 7.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0
Feeding: 3x daily

Thank you!

04-16-2008, 09:18 PM
They are just forming a pecking order. They are cichlids, and they have a tendency to just beat up on each other. I dont think you have anything to worry about unless the the one you are referring to just stops eating all together.

04-16-2008, 09:46 PM
They are just forming a pecking order. They are cichlids, and they have a tendency to just beat up on each other. I dont think you have anything to worry about unless the the one you are referring to just stops eating all together.

Hmm... okay...

All of these fish have been in the tank for a good 4 months, so I am not sure why all of a sudden this one is being so beaten up! Poor guy!

If this keeps up after a week or so, should I take out this Discus and place him into my hospital tank? It would be by himself there, but it should allow him to eat...

04-16-2008, 10:40 PM
If they are coming into breeding age or are adults there is probably courtship behavior going on. Possibly, for some reason, the new pair, or one of the new pair, feels threatened by that particuler fish. It's seen as a competiter for it's mate or for territory. Could be the outcast is more sexually mature so is more of a threat.
Also if the fish is seen as being weak it will get picked on more.


Darren's Discus
04-16-2008, 10:42 PM
sounds like they want to spawn.


04-16-2008, 10:56 PM
Yes, they are all adults, but I am not sure exactly who is courting with who, as they are all showing courting behavior (fanning tails, lip locking, rubbing up beside each other, ect.) Could also be part of the hierarchy...

04-16-2008, 11:33 PM
If they are coming into breeding age or are adults there is probably courtship behavior going on. Possibly, for some reason, the new pair, or one of the new pair, feels threatened by that particuler fish. It's seen as a competiter for it's mate or for territory. Could be the outcast is more sexually mature so is more of a threat.
Also if the fish is seen as being weak it will get picked on more.


Kacey's nailed it. They're getting in the mood. It sounds like 2 males and a female fighting. The male who she didn't choose is hugely PO'd.

04-17-2008, 12:04 AM
Ohh jeez... Okay.

Well, I do know that one of them in the tank is a female. She laid eggs once when I first got her, but none of the males did anything to them, she is lip locking quite a bit with a big red melon...

This is so confusing haha!

Do you guys think a video of the fish would help?

04-17-2008, 12:33 AM
Here is a quick video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq-SitM3oMw

The big orange one is a female, and the big blue diamond in the right corner is also harassing the one being chased by the cobalt blue.

Thanks for all the comments posted so far!

04-17-2008, 07:12 PM

I am not sure exactly what fish have paired up, if someone could point it out that would be awesome!

04-18-2008, 05:11 PM
Looks to me like the big orange one is the male and the red melon his mate. They want all the tank to themselves. The others understand this and are keeping to the right end of the tank; as far away from the pair as possible. This has left the blue on the outs. The two on the right are also a probable pair. They are not asserting themselves while the dominant pair is being so forceful.
If you put the two probable pairs in their on 29H they will both probably begin spawning.
The little blue would be best traded off since it has no potential mate.

04-19-2008, 01:20 PM
Looks to me like the big orange one is the male and the red melon his mate. They want all the tank to themselves. The others understand this and are keeping to the right end of the tank; as far away from the pair as possible. This has left the blue on the outs. The two on the right are also a probable pair. They are not asserting themselves while the dominant pair is being so forceful.
If you put the two probable pairs in their on 29H they will both probably begin spawning.
The little blue would be best traded off since it has no potential mate.

Thanks very much for the reply! I have been waiting for that!!

Actually, the big orange fish is a female. I have seen her lay eggs, but I will still put the red melon and her into a 29 gallon. I thought for sure the fish being harassed was pairing with the orange one :p

Thank you!