View Full Version : Water Change Temp

04-27-2008, 05:37 PM
I was wondering if a difference in water temp. is important when changing water. I dont have a holding bin for water so it is difficult to match the temp. perfectly. When I change the water the temp. in the tank drops about 2 degrees.

04-27-2008, 06:08 PM
2* is nothing to worry about

04-29-2008, 02:28 PM
Not a problem at all, I also do my water changes straight from the tap.

04-30-2008, 06:37 PM
What I've heard and it makes sense to me is that most freshwater fish evolved in environments where there is variability in temperature. Unlike the ocean which has such a large thermal mass, that it hardly ever changes temp in a single locale, rivers and lakes can vary daily. Therefore, temp swings don't stress freshwater fish as much as salt water fish.

So for me, the tap water goes into a 5 gal bottle (from a bottled water company), where it is mixed with de-chlorinator and then straight into the aquarium. I only adjust the temperature by touch.


04-30-2008, 07:13 PM
Nothing happens fast in natural bodies of water, fresh or salt...while the temp will change it'll happen slowly and the larger the body of water the slower it will happen...our fish have the physiology to be able to handle these changes but it is gradual.

It all comes down to how fast you change that temp......dropping 2 to 3*F in an hour or so won't mean a thing.....drop them 5* instantly, as in plopped from one tank to another and they will be stressed, might even end up with a parasite. How bad the fish is affected will depend on the species

Go the other way and they won't even notice it...I've been forced to take koi from 48* to 78*F instantly and they all hit the bottom like rocks and stayed there for an hour or so...but with 3 hours all were up and acting normal...........