View Full Version : fry attachment problems

04-30-2008, 03:37 AM
so my leapords breed at least 15-20 times. all with frys
-frys become wigglers but parents catch them and spit back on cone
-when frys try to attach to parents, parents swim hard away from fry and then catch them then spit back on cone or end up eating them
-i have lowered water, increase temp, have lighting
-i do water change every morning and feed frozen worms every other day.

i dont know what else to do, to have parents understand frys need to eat off them
is there anything else im missing. from what i heard theres nothing i can do from now but theres gosta???

04-30-2008, 10:09 AM
hi aznboystyl3,

From what I have from other people's thread. This issue is because the parents are inexperienced. All you can do is just let them be and hopefully they will know what to do with their babies or you can try to artificially raise the fry.

Good luck

04-30-2008, 05:31 PM
I had a female that wouldn't allow the fry to go freeswimming. When the time came, she would keep trying to put them back on the cone for days, till they were all dead or eaten. After awhile of this the fry got wise and wouldn't swim in front of her so she developed this method of hurding them into a corner and then coming up at them from underneath to catch them. I finally got her to stop by lowering the water so low taht she couldn't swim verticly and had to lean over while swimming so she couldn't catch them from underneath either. Then, a batch finally attached to their 45 degree angled mom, she caught on and stopped her un-natural behavior.
It was very frustrating watching batch after batch of healthy fry being killed by their mom who didn't want to move on to the next step, lol!
Sometimes too the parents just don't like the feel of the fry feeding and it takes them awhile to get used to it.
Good luck,


05-01-2008, 03:31 AM
okay ive tried lowering the water but never lowered the water that much.. hey did u seperate the mother and the father?
sounds like you did
when did you take out the father and did you use mesh to block the eggs from being eatten

reason why i ask about the mesh is because if i take out the father i know the eggs are going to be eaten

05-01-2008, 09:01 AM
With that pair I didn't need to remove one of the parents or screen the eggs, they got along well and cared for eggs and fry together. Each pair has it's own behaviors and you'll need to watch yours closly to figure out what needs to be done to make things work out for them.
Good luck with them and keep us posted,


01-08-2009, 02:43 AM
Hi guys, I'm experiencing the same problem, My white diamond pair dont seem to be producing slime coat and the frys wont attach to the parent everytime they spawn. They have spawned several times, the fry will last for about a week after free swimming and die because they cant get any food from the parents. But last September they have already successfully raised about 40 pcs babies and that was it. Are they still considered inexperienced pair?

Peachtree Discus
01-08-2009, 01:52 PM
pairs that dont really darken up can be more of a challenge with attaching. but after 1 week freeswimming - i would think they would be really going after the bbs.

01-08-2009, 03:36 PM
pairs that dont really darken up can be more of a challenge with attaching. but after 1 week freeswimming - i would think they would be really going after the bbs.

Agreed. Try offering bbs at two or three days freeswimming.


01-08-2009, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I have already tried giving them bbs but they prefer to stick to the sponge. Is it ok to remove the sponge filter and replace it with airstone when they start free swimming? What happens to my biological filtration?

01-08-2009, 10:49 PM
You would offer the bbs no matter where they like to hang out. It can take a few days before they start eating them.
Many people don't use filters during the freeswimming stage. Just feed lightly or not at all (for parents) and keep up on wc's


01-09-2009, 11:42 PM
You would offer the bbs no matter where they like to hang out. It can take a few days before they start eating them.
Many people don't use filters during the freeswimming stage. Just feed lightly or not at all (for parents) and keep up on wc's


Thanks!!! I'll try my luck again. The last time they spawn (last wednesday) the male ate all the eggs the day after.

01-16-2009, 10:05 PM
hi, I also have the same problem as Jeremy (Discus_adictus). Is the power aeration a factor? I noticed that day 1 free swimming frys can get disoriented with strong aeration.

01-17-2009, 03:21 PM
Problem with Dan's(Azboystyl3) case was the wrigglers were too weak, but finally after
so many spawnings a strong batch of wrigglers, end of problem.
