View Full Version : Finally! Just as I was about to give up hope...

05-15-2008, 03:23 PM
Well finally, after having my Leopard pair in a breeding tank for a month to 6 weeks they've had a successful spawn. They've been spawning regularly and fertilize the eggs well for the most part (always a few white ones) but one of them (the male I think) has had a penchant for eating the eggs probably 24 hours or less prior to them hatching. They've been doing this for the past 4 or 5 spawns. I was about to seek advice from you all if that happened to this latest batch.

Fortunately, when I went to check on them this morning, they had successfully hatched into wigglers! It's not a large spawn, rough count around 40 or so I'd say. They are attached in the front corner of the tank, so it's hard to see them all well.

This is my first go at having discus fry so I don't expect a ton of success yet, but the mother is diligently attending to the fry, picking up the ones that fall, etc.

They've been in R/O water, and I did a 25% W/C now with straight tap. I will convert them to straight tap this way. I don't know what else to be doing at this point, so I will just keep watching and hoping everything goes well.

From what I've read, which isn't a whole lot yet, I can expect them to free swim and attach (hopefully) in the next day or two, does that sound about right?

I will see if I can get some pics of the pair and such later on. But I just wanted to share the excitement! :)

05-15-2008, 03:48 PM
good job Karen, congratulations.
For now, I would just leave them alone, and don't bother them if possible. If all goes well, they'll free swim about the 5th day (from spawning). If by then, you see that the fry are having a hard time attaching to the parents, then you can lower the water to 1 inch above the parents dorsal fin to help them. Also, my preference at this point is to turn down the air to a minimal, to help the fry not have to fight the current at such a young and delicate age.
Good luck, and better go get yourself some brine shrimp eggs.


05-15-2008, 04:01 PM
Hi Ted,

Thanks for the tips. I have them in a 20h so the space isn't too huge, but I will definitely keep an eye on them for attachment, if they survive that far! :)

Luckily, this pair is not spooked at all by doing things in/around the tank, but I'm definitely careful not to disturb or scare them too much right now.

I will take note of the air/movement tip you gave, and take a look at how it's going.

I gotta get my brine shrimp hatcher cleaned up and running again, I've got the eggs already. I better see about hatching a batch or two to test I still know how! :D

Diamond Discus
05-15-2008, 06:05 PM
Congratulations!! We need pictures!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_1_110.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk762LZUS) :D

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZNxmk762LZUS (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZNxmk762LZUS&utm_id=7926)

05-21-2008, 02:59 PM
Well just to update and sum this one up. The wigglers never made it to the point of attachment. When I'd go check on them, there were fewer and fewer wigglers around. So, I don't know if they were eaten or just died or what. But I'm sure we'll get another go at it here soon.

My other Leopard pair laid eggs again, but there seems to be lots of unfertilized ones yet and then they eat them. They'll get it eventually.

Last night I noticed, yet another pair (although it may be a trio yet at this point) of Leopards had laid eggs in the community tank. So, I may end up with three pairs of Leopards!

I better get that last 20g tank cleaned up and painted!