View Full Version : telling male from female

05-17-2008, 10:59 PM
I have a pair of discus that have laid eggs. First was a week and a half ago i noticed eggs for the first time in the filter inlet pipe. On the 3rd day most of them were white and on the 4th they were gone. This past fri i found more eggs on a peice of driftwood. same pair were guarding the eggs, a brilliant german scribbled and a whit pidgeon blood. Today, 2nd day, about half the eggs were white. Im wondering if they are not bothe females. they are in a 125 planted comm tank with 5 other discus, and other assorted fish. how can i tell whats male and whats female.if they are both females than im not gonna bother. but if i have a true pair, im gone empty out a 29 gallon i have and see what happens.

05-17-2008, 11:40 PM
Most males have pointed fins, the females more round, easiest to see.


Let them spawn in the community and see if 1 of the eggs hatch before you wast your time by putting them in a breeding tank.

If you get eggs with 2-3 days in between they are both females, it takes a female 4-5 days to lay eggs again,


05-18-2008, 12:03 PM
Hans' answers are very good. I just wanted to add, if the water in your community tank is very hard, even if you have a real pair, you may not get any wigglers at all. what are your water parameters in the community tank?
Also try to catch them in the act and look at their tubes. The male's tube will be much more pointed and the female's is more round. If you see this distinct difference in the tubes, then go ahead and set-up the 29G and let the good times roll.

Good luck,
