View Full Version : Is this normal on eggs?

05-20-2008, 05:28 PM
hi this is my pair that spawned yesturday. Its almost been a day since and the colour of the eggs are amber, it was a light amber colour when she laid the eggs. Sorry, my digital camera is not with me to take a picture of the eggs and post it on here due to my sister have taken on her vacation. Sorry to post this so soon, before 2 days of hatching timeline. My tap water is soft and ph of 7.

Thank you

05-20-2008, 06:39 PM
I replied in your other thread where you asked this question and I think the eggs are doing fine.

Maybe someone can merge these two threads if necessary.

Other thread here: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?p=455348#post455348

05-21-2008, 09:32 AM
bs6749, just 12 more hours is 2 days since the spawn and the eggs are still brown. Is it normal? When my male fish passes over the eggs i saw him passed over the eggs around 72 times and i just look at the eggs this morning and 10 percent of them turned fungus. I am thinking that my male fish is unable to fertile. Can you give me suggestions?

05-21-2008, 02:11 PM
If you saw him pass over the eggs that many times and if only 10% of them turned bad and fungused, I think that means the remaining ones that are brown are good. I'm not sure how long it takes the eggs to hatch...may be 72 hours. If they are still brown and haven't turned white I think that's a good sign. I'll let others speak up though.

05-21-2008, 08:56 PM
Bs6749, its been exact at 2 days since the spawn. 41 eggs have turned fungus and 54 eggs are still brown. Is that a good sign? Usually, if the eggs are not fertilized how long it will turn into fungus? Does it takes 2 days to see wigglers for most people? if mine takes up to 72 hours to see wigglers, is that normal? And i dont even know if mine will turn into wigglers.

My tap water is soft and ph at 7.0. Thats the water i use and made no changes to it.

Thank you.

05-21-2008, 10:23 PM
if you're at 48 hours and all of them haven't turned white yet, then you still have a good chance. Hopefully by 55 to 60 hours, you'll see some tails come out and they'll start wiggling for you.

Good luck,


05-21-2008, 11:41 PM
hi tedsdiscus, i took my flashlight and flash at the spawn and i saw a tail on an egg!!:D I feel confident with my male discus now, he is fertile !!! I have a question, the one thats wiggling right now, how come theres a white spot on the egg? i thought the eggs that are like that, that have a white spot are going to end up being a dead egg?. Im going to bed right now. Hopefully, when i wake up by morning i will see more wigglers. Does anyone have suggestions for me?

Thank you

05-22-2008, 12:06 AM
I'm not sure, the white could be from a nearby egg. At least now you know you have a real pair.

Good luck,


05-22-2008, 09:49 AM
Hi, I just wake up, at the 60 hours. I saw there are 17 wiggles and 11 are still dark. :D Im so happy!! They made it!. I hope the parents are not going to eat their wigglings but i dont see the parents wanting to do so. I have a question, if the father passes over the eggs that many times how come only less than half of them have made it? This is their first time ever with little success.

05-22-2008, 10:43 AM
Congratulations! It's really exciting to get a first successful spawn, even when there aren't dozens and dozens of wigglers!

05-22-2008, 11:11 AM
Free, contgrats. There are many reasons for poor hatch rate. Young couple, water flow too rapid near the spawning site ie airstone or overflow filter thus less milt on the eggs. Most times as the couple becomes more practiced the spawn size increases. The wigglers take more time to get on the back then the hatch time so be patient,dont freak...:o

05-22-2008, 11:15 AM
Thanks Judy. Yea im really excited. Even if i dont get dozens and dozens of wigglers im still excited. But next time the parents are going to have more babies right?. Im just wondering how many wigglers will make it since there are only 17 of them right now?. So far, the father is really good. He uses his side fin and make current around the wigglers and picked them up and spit back to the nest.
After 4 months of keeping Discus, Im happy what I got today.:D

Best Wishes!

05-22-2008, 11:24 AM
Thanks MostlyDiscus. Is there anyway to tell the age of the fish? Im just curious because my pair looks big and im afraid they will reproduce less next time. When they were spawning i had my sponge filter on low and it was right beside the spawning site. I think thats the reason they had a low hatch rate. But all i want right now is for the wigglers to get to the attaching to the parents stage.

Thank you.

05-22-2008, 11:01 PM
Hi, i had a batch of 17 wigglers and now there are only 10 on the cone. I can see there are some wigglers at the bottom of the tank but the parents cant seem to see them. So what can i do? Are those at the bottom are goners?

05-23-2008, 10:35 PM
hi, its been fourth day since the spawn and there are some wigglers!! About 10 but they are all at the bottom of the tank. Mom and Dad does not pick them back to the cone anymore so is this normal? When are the wigglers are going to attach to the parents? What Should I do??? Thanks.

05-25-2008, 12:49 AM
it looks as thought you don't have enough babys for the parents to be interested i would just get rid of the wrigglers and let the try again You should have better succes next time.

05-25-2008, 01:29 AM
I appreciate for your reply Discus_boy. The babies are still alive up till today but the parents shook them off when they tried to attach. I will remove the babies and artificial raising them and hope they will grow. I hope the parents will do better next time.

Thank you.

05-25-2008, 07:44 PM
Its been 6 days after the spawn. I thought the parents are going to ignore their only 7 babies left but this evening I saw there are 3 of them are eating on mom's. I was going to artificial raising the fry but now i guess i need not to. I'll just let the babies stay with the parents for them to get experiences for the next spawn.

Hope someone is interested.

Kenny's Discus
05-27-2008, 07:10 AM
Congratulation on your first wigglers...yes as discus-boy mentioned above they probably didn't have enough babies to shift their parenting skill into high gear...let them try again and when you have a bigger batch, most pairs would show much stronger parental instinct and it'll be quite noticeable to you. Just be patient and best of luck to their next try!:)


06-06-2008, 02:59 PM
hi Kenny, i have 2 fry survived and they have attached to the parents and have been eating on them. Its been 12 days since they are free swimmer and they're only 5 cm long and 2mm height so im wondering if this is a normal growth?

Thank you.

Kenny's Discus
06-06-2008, 06:03 PM
hi Kenny, i have 2 fry survived and they have attached to the parents and have been eating on them. Its been 12 days since they are free swimmer and they're only 5 cm long and 2mm height so im wondering if this is a normal growth?

Thank you.

Hi friend, you meant 5 mm instead of cm right?:p Well seems like the 2 survived are on target but it's not gonna be easy to only raise 2 frys from wigglers stage...though if you don't mind you could start a small tank for them and feed them the BBS or other baby food. It could still be a good learning experience. I would concentrate on feeding your pair well before they breed again. I hope you get a huge batch of frys soon from them!:)


06-07-2008, 12:10 AM
hi Kenny thanks for your reply and yes i meant 5mm not 5 cm:Dlol. I have a 10 gallon tank and will they survive and eat BBS in it? and how many times should i feed them baby brine shrimp a day and how much should i feed them because BBS comes in a cube. Should i refreeze BBS if there are left overs?

06-12-2008, 09:31 PM
hi everyone, my pair spawned again this evening around 6pm. They ate their 2 survival children and i dont know why how they ate their fry when they're that big. I have a question about lowering water. Iam going to lower the water about half of the tank and should i decrease the temp on the heater too or leave it as it is. Right now my tank temperature is over the thermometer, 86f. Another question i have is about my tank water. Right now the tank water colour is a little dirty and not clear as it was so will this affect on the hatching? Should i use Methanol Blue? Please help. Thank you so much everyone.