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05-22-2008, 11:14 AM
This little critter has decided to take up residence in our backyard. I wondered why the neighborhood cats hadn't been around... now I know why!


Tropical Haven
05-22-2008, 03:54 PM
I guess with a fox around there wouldn't be any cats around. :D

05-23-2008, 12:56 AM
That is a beautiful fox and great photo...how the heck did you get that? :)

05-23-2008, 09:52 AM
Amazing climbing shot Judi! I didn't realize that they were that good at climbing.:)


05-23-2008, 10:10 AM
They are very good at all things survival!!!

05-23-2008, 10:10 AM
I guess with a fox around there wouldn't be any cats around. :D

Word through the neighborhood grapevine a couple of weeks ago was that a coyote was spotted with a cat it it's mouth. I'm guessing it was this guy instead.

That is a beautiful fox and great photo...how the heck did you get that? :)

Pure luck!!! We knew he'd been sleeping on that side of the house, as that is where we have seen him before. I just got my camera ready beforehand, and hoped for the best. When I rounded the corner of the house, he jumped up from where he had been laying.

Amazing climbing shot Judi! I didn't realize that they were that good at climbing.:)


Al, even more amazing is this photo of him walking the very top of the fence. The neighborhood cats don't even do that! The kit fox is the fox species that is native to the San Joaquin Valley, however this guy doesn't look like any pics I've been able to find of a kit fox. He looks more like a Sierra Nevada fox, but from what I've read, they live in the high country. However, the Sierra Nevada fox is known for it's climbing abilities, which this guy obviously has. If it is in fact a Sierra Nevada fox, it's sad to think what may have driven him down from the mountains.


05-23-2008, 10:29 AM

Out here in CT , our Dept. of Environmental Protection has an "Urban Wildlife Division" You may want to see if Cali has the same....that photo and info may be of interest to them..

take care,

05-23-2008, 10:33 AM
From what I can tell, this is a grey fox, different then the red fox. Red fox is related to the canine family, grey fox related to the feline family, hence the climbing ability.

05-23-2008, 10:47 AM

I spent most of the morning yesterday calling US Fish and Wildlife, California Fish and Game, the county Wildlife Conservation and local Animal Control. Nobody seemed interested. They asked if it was being agressive or causing property damage, and when I said "No" they didn't seem to care anymore. California Fish and Game did take my name, address and phone number to make a record of it... nobody else even asked for that.

Our neighbor across the street, who has also seen the fox, called the local paper about it and left a voice mail message. We'll see if she gets a call back.


05-23-2008, 10:51 AM
From what I can tell, this is a grey fox, different then the red fox. Red fox is related to the canine family, grey fox related to the feline family, hence the climbing ability.

Thanks for that bit of info. Whatever it is, at least now I have proof!! Most of the people I have told about the fox looked at me like I was crazy! LOL Tad and I thought we were seeing things the first time we saw it, until the neighbors said they saw it too.


05-23-2008, 11:33 AM
Hi Judi,:)

I LOVE foxes...They remind me of the French book "The Little Prince" by Saint Exupéry. A MUST read at all ages!!!! I would love to have a desert fox myself. When I still lived in France, friends of my parents had one. He was SO gorgeous, but very shy. From what I gather, they are not legal here...
Great picture!!!!


05-23-2008, 02:10 PM
Hi Sophie,

It reminded my husband of the same thing, so he gave the fox a French name... Francois.

By the way... A reporter from the local paper just called me. They had me sign a release and send my photos. From what they told me, there will be an article in the paper on Tuesday.


05-24-2008, 08:51 AM
Cool pic! You going to become the wildlife photographer for your paper? ;)

05-25-2008, 08:55 PM

I don't think I'm lucky enough to get those kinds of pics on a regular basis. ;)
