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View Full Version : 5/22/08 - Just another update

05-23-2008, 12:43 AM
Not a whole lot to report this time, which is good I guess. Everyone seems to be doing good. I'm still not noticing alot of growth, with the exception of perhaps the finnage. It seems to be filling out more. I guess I just have to wait (and hope) they'll grow into their fins. :)

I do notice a bit more aggression at feeding time and otherwise than before. They really pick on each other sometimes, instead of a friendly push and shove for position and food.

They are still on 4 autofeeds of Ocean Nutrition Formula Two pellets daily, as well as 2-3 frozen food feedings. Most often it is frozen bloodworms, but they also get the Jack Wattley Discus Formula and frozen brineshrimp w/spirulina.

They get either a daily water change of 65-75% or every other day of 75-85%, just depends on how much time is left in the day for water changes.

Mine don't seem to be anywhere near the caliber of Brian, Eileen and Jose's. I'm not sure why that is but I guess it's just the name of the game.

Anyway, some updated pics:




Oh, I did add my RGD into the mix probably a week ago or so. It was in a 55 with 5 other discus, that are a bit bigger and older than it and seemed to be unhappy, so I put him in with these guys. He's faded a bit right now but he gets right in there and eats and shoves around too, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

This pic shows the nice red on the tip of the fin:



This pic is just kind of funny and neat:

05-23-2008, 01:20 AM
i'm not sure what you are talking about but they look great to me :)

two utes
05-23-2008, 01:36 AM
I reakon they look sharp Karren....Keep up the good work!
Oh yeh......Are you fork feeding them? :D:D:D

05-23-2008, 02:07 AM
Thanks ewok, I certainly don't think they look bad, just not quite up there with some of the others, IMO.

Fork feeding them, hey maybe I should! :) I do fork feed my plecos though. ;)

05-23-2008, 08:15 AM
Hi Karen,
They look good, well proportioned and healthy.:) What are you feeding them and how often these days?


Tropical Haven
05-23-2008, 09:09 AM
Discus are looking really good, thanks for the update pics.

05-23-2008, 10:25 AM
They are still on 4 autofeeds of Ocean Nutrition Formula Two pellets daily, as well as 2-3 frozen food feedings. Most often it is frozen bloodworms, but they also get the Jack Wattley Discus Formula and frozen brineshrimp w/spirulina.

Here's the info you were looking for Al. :) I guess they just don't seem as round and patterned as some of the others appear to be in their pics.

Thanks Scott. :)

05-23-2008, 10:41 AM
Hi Karen,

With 6-7 feedings a day they should be getting more than enough food for growth...maybe try upping the volume of the feedings?...

Also...not saying its a better food... but a good beef heart mix and/or seafood mix with added vitamens two times a day may help max the growth..it does here. Not sure how well they like the wattley formula......but they tore into beefheart when they were here..

The pellets you are using are great, I lean more towards ONF 1 pellets than 2 .....theres a little more protein , but nothing significant... they are both good food IMO.

Hth and keep up the good work!


Give them time and

05-23-2008, 11:03 AM
They actually like the wattley formula very well, it was just something I'd had in the freezer when I got them and none of my other fish were too crazy about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot, and they love it. How good or quality of a food it is, I guess I don't really know.

And I was mistaken on the ONF pellets, they are 1, not 2. I feed all my discus ONF1.

I will look into increasing the volume of the feedings, right now they get generally 3 cubes of whatever I'm feeding but maybe they'd take more, I can also see about increasing the pellet feedings.

I'm kind of anti beef heart (I'm stubborn like that :)) so I don't know about that, but I will browse around for some seafood mixes maybe.

Thanks for the input Al! :)

05-23-2008, 09:33 PM
I tell ya what guys an gals...After this contest, there definately wont be a shortage of Alenquers!! :D :D :D

Al will have kin folk all over the place!! ;) :D :D :D

05-24-2008, 08:14 AM
Just call me "Johnny Alenquer Seed";):D.....


05-24-2008, 11:49 AM
Clever Al. ;)

Well, I got some ingredients last night to make some food for the fish. I will hopefully get it all put together today and froze and see how the fish like it this weekend.

I'll post some more info on the ingredients and method of preparation after I get it done.

05-25-2008, 12:42 AM
Looking fantastic Karen :D

I find feeding a little heavy at times does them exceptionally well

As Al stated with type of feed is the key. Wish you well & hope all
goes well with the new ingrediants

Regards Armandi ;)