View Full Version : Newbie question on eggs

05-28-2008, 12:44 AM
Last night, I found that there are eggs on the inlet of the hang-on filter. Two discus fishes (should be parents) protect the eggs and do not allow other fishes to come close. I want to ask:

1. Do I need to move other fishes (there are still 6 other discus, 10+ tetras, guppies, etc) to another tank in order to protect the eggs and potential fry? Or the discus parents are able to protect the eggs/frys? Or alternatively, I move the parents and hang-on filter with egg to another tank using the same water from the original tank? Will it be too shocking for the parents if I move them and their eggs to another tank?

2. For discus, is it required that the fry to be with the parents for the first few days since they get the food from the parent's skin? Can the fry eat crushed dry fish food? Or one must use BBS for them?

I will read more from the forum but since this is urgent to me, I post my questions first.


05-28-2008, 12:59 AM
move the parents dont bother moving eggs they'll lay again most leave babies with parents for awhile and feed bbs

05-28-2008, 09:24 AM
I would move the parents and not the co inhabbitants. B4 you do that make sure you have eggs that will hatch. Sometimes it takes time for a pair to get it right. Wait and see if the eggs hatch before you procede to the next step.

06-01-2008, 10:13 PM
Thanks for all your advices. Finally I moved the other fishes to another tank as the water quality of the original tank is better and the tank is only around 70 litre and not too big. I have the wrigglers on day 3 and yesterday start to have free swimmers. I am happy at them as it is my first time to see discus breeding. I have turned on a 15w light 7x24 and lower the water level to only half the tank. I also start to have 20% water change last night as I find the water has smell (I have not water change since the eggs are laid). I hope that they will continue to growth in this tank (with sand and plants there). The parents are doing quite well and I found them moving the runaway free swimmers back to the original place. Nevetheless, I feel pity to them as they must be very tired since I have the light on 7x24 1 day after the wrigglers appear. :)

06-02-2008, 09:53 PM
More update: last night, I removed the hang-on filter with sponge (which is not turned on since the eggs are laid), do water change, and change to a smaller yellow desk lamp (rather than my T8 light), all seems to be fine. But in this morning, I find that all the free swimmers are gone, probably eaten by the parents. Quite disappointed. May be I have removed the black color sponge and change the light color such that the parents afraid that there is no protection for the free swimmers and they eat them. I will move the parents to a breeding tank and start again. Next time will be better. :)

06-04-2008, 07:19 AM
Not too bad for a first time try from the pair, sounds like a good spawn isn't far down the road. Good luck!

Kathy Poe
06-04-2008, 02:57 PM
Congrats! What strain spawned? Keep us all posted!

Inland Empire Discus