View Full Version : Need Advice on Feeding

06-05-2008, 12:33 PM

I am currently feeding Tetra Bits and Frozen Bloodworms to my 4+ inch Discus and would like to add another food or 2 to the diet. I am really not interested in using Beefheart, but am looking into something that will promote Growth, Color, Nutrition. I have debated on California Blackworms, or Red Wigglers, but wondered if there are other staple foods that I should introduce. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


White Worm
06-05-2008, 01:14 PM
There are many commercially prepared flake, pellet, frozen and freeze dried foods you can introduce. The trick is to get them to accept it. Live foods are a very good addition to the discus diet. I feed white worms also.

06-05-2008, 02:15 PM
I would feel my discus red wigs and or white worms only out of the 3 worms you have listed

06-05-2008, 03:17 PM
Thank you Mikscus and MostlyDiscus for your feedback... What I am really looking for is what you guys feed your discus "other then what I have already mentioned" and feel that it is a great asset for promoting growth, color, etc. Is there a certain type/brand of food that you like and any feedback as too why. I appreciate the feedback on Red Wig's and White Worms, and will add some to my menu for these guys.

Thank you again and I look forward to reading additional feedback!


06-05-2008, 04:36 PM
Hi Ryan,

My base diet is made with turkey hearts. I add powdered dry liver,multis,bone meal and spirilina. I also add bulk flake food purchased from Jehmco. Powdered branch chain amino acids,metamucile and raw shrimp as a binding agent. Its cheap and complete. I have some white worms for breeders only and they are not fed often. I will never use black worms. I also feed frozen brine shrimp and basic flake. I have tried vitiamin C as well but didnt see much of a diff on my split broods. Food is very important but the water in my opinion is more challenging. Hope that helps. Carefull on the amount of spirilina, its bitter to the palet.. Ed

06-05-2008, 05:13 PM
Hi Ed,

Thank you very much for your feedback and time!

Very interesting diet!!! I am amazed at what goes into the food for these guys!!!

"I add powdered dry liver,multis,bone meal and spirilina. I also add bulk flake food purchased from Jehmco. Powdered branch chain amino acids,metamucile and raw shrimp as a binding agent".

Looking at the list of ingredients you listed listed above, I have questions regarding the following:

Where would you purchase: Turkey Livers, powered dry liver, Multis, bone meal??

Also, does it matter what flavor of metamucile to use??

Thanks again and I would love to hear from others regarding diets, etc.

Best Regards,


06-05-2008, 09:13 PM
Hi Ryan,

Turkeys hearts at a farm if you can or a farm co-op. Mine are hormone free and cost .65cents per pound. They dont need to be cleaned before processing in the food processer. webviatimans.com has most of the other ingredients. no flavor on the laxitive and dont put in much. for the record its 2 pounds turkey heart to 1/2 peeled raw shrimp. 8 tbs powered dry liver,4bone meal,3 mulit and 3 spurlinia. freeze first then use. you can add and mix other items as you wish but keep in mind the more you put in there the more it will break apart. no cooking. no cleaning. no gel needed.. Ed

06-05-2008, 11:38 PM

Thank you very much for the information! It is very helpful!


06-06-2008, 07:58 AM
Nps Ryan, did you hit webviatimans.com web site?