View Full Version : Mr Ung Seng Lip's Discus Farm

06-08-2008, 08:13 PM
Hello all, does anyone know the name of Mr Ung Seng Lip's discus farm or has he got a website address? I googled it but couldn't find his website. Thank you.

06-08-2008, 09:59 PM
hi Ivo,
lip doesnt have any website.

best rgds,

06-08-2008, 10:07 PM

Check out this page:

06-09-2008, 01:21 AM
Thank you both for your reply. Cheers.

06-09-2008, 02:26 AM
There are many people who import his fish !
No website that I know of -
My local is -
many people can import his fish
for you.
AND YES, he has awesome fish !!!!!
You might look here,
But there are much easier ways
If Forrest doesn't know, almost no one would. Almost all of the big breeders, or importers carry, Ung Seng Lip's, RGD'S are pretty famous for "USL", and there are others too .
Get out your check book !!!!!

06-09-2008, 06:58 AM
Thank you. I have heard Mr Lip is very famous with his RGD and Albino Yellow Diamond. Pictures of them look awesome. The reason i asked was i purchased a pair of face spotted leopard snakeskin yesterday which came from his farm, but so far all the pictures i have seen of Mr Lip's fish are all RGD, ARGD and Albino Yellow Diamond and i have not been able to see other strains of his discus like face spotted leopard snakeskin. I was curious to find out under what websites i can source some pictures of them. Thanks again but still no luck so far.

Greg Richardson
06-09-2008, 04:31 PM
Ivo. When you say ....... Albino Yellow Diamond ...... are you referring to his Albino Pearl Diamond?

Or does he have two types of yellows you know?

I'm looking for Lemon solid yellow.

I know they exist as I saw them with my own eyes by a gentlemen named Hung who had imported a beautiful 6 inch pair.

He was living in White Center outside of Seattle WA but I lost his contact # and then he disappeared off all the forums which was really strange as at the time he was spending lot of $$$ converting his whole garage into a fish room.

06-09-2008, 05:46 PM
Hi Ivo,
I can't help you with the Ung Seng Lip spotteds but I have a particuler interest in spotted face LSS's. Would you mind posting some pics of the ones you just picked up?


06-09-2008, 08:07 PM
hi, greg, i am not sure about the albino pearl diamond. I have only seen the yellow diamond in the flesh. in regard to the face spotted pair i bought, it is still in quarantine at the moment (Australian's regulation) but they are due to be released to me this friday. after they settle in, i will post some pictures. since i haven't seen any other face spotted discus of Mr Lip so i was just curious to locate some pictures to make a comparison of this pair that i purchased.

Greg Richardson
06-09-2008, 08:23 PM
Thanks Ivo. Looking forward to pictures.

06-09-2008, 09:57 PM
Will do Greg. I have been looking to purchase good quality fully spotted in Sydney for ages and no luck. Finally, i placed a special order through an aquarium which i purchased many times before and they have imported some Mr Lip's albinos before. They got me this spotted pair from Mr Lip. Of course i am that naive and expect Mr Lip will sell his top range breeding pair away and i would guess this pair is probably on an average scale in his breeding stocks. The female has a nice shape and spots are subtle color since i was told that she has never been color fed before because she was intended for breeding purchase. I am going to give her some color enhanced food to bring out more color. The male has good color spotting and spots on gill plate and probably half of the forehead. You guys always see amazing fully spotted available in US and/or UK so don't expect too much from my pair, but this is pretty much as good as i can find in Sydney so i am happy to settle for them. Price is very much marked up to the top (AUD $1,500 for the pair) but hey i have been looking for so long and so happy to pay the premium to stop searching anymore. Cheers.

06-10-2008, 07:55 AM
two big thumbs up and very sweet!!!
