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View Full Version : Discus with bloody tail - Please help

06-13-2008, 12:03 PM
hello, i bought 3 new discus home today and did climatise water temperature, and PH properly. my water parameters are all good. as soon as i released these 3 discus into my tank i noticed one of them is showing a few bright red blood vessels on it's tail. i have seen this in gold fish before but never in discus. despite that, this discus is healthy. it is already eating, swimming normal, fighting with my other old discus for territory reason, body color looks great and no excess mucus. basically it is all good except tail is showing blood vessel. could anyone please tell me what causes it showing blood vessels on tail? is it harmful? and what do i need to treat it if i have to? (or will it heal itself). the other two new discus are all fine. any recommendation would be mostly appreciated.

06-13-2008, 12:05 PM
Hi Ivo,

Could be just damage from shipping. Just give it good clean water, I think it should heal in a few days.

Good luck,


06-13-2008, 12:08 PM
Hi Ivo,

I'd wait and let the fish settle in... If that wasn't there before you bought them..then its probably related to the handling of the fish...

keep an eye on it and let us know how it is tomarrow.


06-13-2008, 01:33 PM
thanks Ted and al. i saw him a few days ago and there was no blood tail. it is comforting to know that both of you said it is probably related to handling. given he is pretty normal otherwise, therefore, i didn't add any medication except some stress guard and thought posting here to get some advice. thanks again.

06-14-2008, 04:46 AM
Hi al, you are right. the blood vessels on tail have reduced in number and the redness. looks like it is only caused by bad handling from the shop and not bacteria or illness related. thank you very much.

06-14-2008, 10:24 AM
I wouldn't be too down on the shop either Ivo. Sometimes it could happen just from catching the fish with the net. Anyways, hope your fish if healing well.

Good luck,


06-14-2008, 01:52 PM
hi ted, no i didn't have a go with the shop at all. since the discus is actually healthy, eating and plus both of you suggested that it was due to handling likely so i was not worried after that. a day later, it clears up a lot so its all good from here. thanks ted.