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View Full Version : 3rd discus not eating

06-14-2008, 02:35 PM
ok so here is the story

i have a 37 planted (probably 30g of water)

LFS was going out of business and i picked up 3 medium/large discus from there. 2 snakeskins (around 5 inches) and 1 red melon (3.5-4 inches)

As it went, they were all kept in separate tanks, but the snakes paired, and are eating ok (although very slowly) flakes/frozen bw. They do not let the red melon eat what so ever. Red stays in the back when the lights are on (7-8 hours a day) and comes out at night. When he does venture out to look around during feeding times (not often), they run him into the back again...

yes i know its because they are territorial so i have to get another tank for either them or him..

My question is:

What sized tank should i get for either growing him a bit or putting the pair into it and conditioning?

The main (37) is planted and the food drops to the gravel... i was thinking of feeding live black worms and am afraid they will fall into the gravel (ruining the water)

any suggestions would be great

06-14-2008, 02:53 PM
The pair would need at least a 20 gallon. You have a hard situation here to which there is no good answer. Discus need to be in groups of preferably 5 to 6. If you have 1 by himself he will be lonely. Better than 3 together though, that is a bad number. hth
