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06-16-2008, 01:22 AM
Hi all,
If you want to be found by other hobbyists in your area you can list yourself and contact info here....This section will be state by state for the USA. If you want to start a thread please check to see if its already started ... If you start a Location Thread.. please follow the standard of Country First, then state or province etc.


06-16-2008, 01:24 AM
hi im april. i am first and foremost a discus hobbyist and collector of discus.
im in vancouver british columbia canada. i also do sell discus out of my business. www.petsbeautiful.com
visitors to vancouver or residents are welcome to view by appointment or just to meet and talk discus. love to meet fellow hobbyists from simplydiscus.

06-17-2008, 12:03 AM
Hi all,

Also living in British Columbia and just a newbie in keeping discus.


06-17-2008, 07:32 PM
Vancouver Island, BC. Still pretty new at this, but definately addicted!

Big Tuck
06-18-2008, 08:59 PM
Just set up a 55and a 80 here in Mc Bride B.C. 8 little discus to come shortly.Would love to hear from folks here in B.C. Im looking for white worms in canada,can anyone help?

06-18-2008, 09:54 PM

one crazy discus enthusiast from the island. :D

06-18-2008, 11:00 PM
Hi there,

Check with Charles or Pat at Canadian Aquatics.

Here's the link.



Just set up a 55and a 80 here in Mc Bride B.C. 8 little discus to come shortly.Would love to hear from folks here in B.C. Im looking for white worms in canada,can anyone help?

06-19-2008, 12:27 AM
Hello there!

Langley BC... here to research keeping Discus the proper way since I am in my own house now and back into fish keeping! Hope to be seeing April in the future for some lil babies.

06-19-2008, 01:09 AM
Hi Teacupgirl,
Im in langley as well..just thought i would introduce myself to you. I dont have any discus friends except for April..and saw that you were in langley..which is kind of cool. I currently have 10 discus..and am hoping to get 4-6 more from April at the end of June. Anyways, if you feel like chatting let me know.

Big Tuck
06-19-2008, 01:22 AM
no luck on the white worms but thanks anyway Francis,i appreciate your help.

06-19-2008, 12:59 PM
hi everyone. theres getting to be a good little group here in bc. : )
theres more..i know..
where are you getting your discus from big tuck?

06-19-2008, 01:10 PM
Port Moody, B.C.

Lost my first batch of discus through a mistake. Lesson learned and will be picking up some new one after my holidays. Glad to know there are other in and around the area.

06-19-2008, 01:11 PM
Pinkjello, I sent you an email regarding the fish I was looking for a home for. Thanks

Big Tuck
06-19-2008, 01:51 PM
Hi April.Guess what im getting my discus from YOU.Ive called you twice and we discussed what and how many.Around the 10 of june my wife will be down.Ill talk to you again as the date draws nearer.Still searching for white worms.If you have a source please let me know.This discus forum is awsom,ive learned sooooo much.Ive only had a computer for a short time,so its a learning experience to.(very frusterating)Talk to you soon

06-19-2008, 02:09 PM
Hello discus lovers,

I too am in Vancouver and has been raising discus' for over five years. I just started raising wild discus. I have bought discus and everything in between from April before. Its nice know that there is a local community group here.

06-19-2008, 03:58 PM
oh..ok cool hi mr. tucker. right you are getting them from me. :wave: NOW I HAVE YOU figured out with your username.
ill have them here for you when your wife comes. : )

06-19-2008, 04:49 PM
Target - Ive emailed you.thx

07-11-2008, 11:25 AM
Hi, I am from Maple Ridge, BC. I have learned a great deal from april (thank you). I am still learning & will enjoy going thru the threads for info.

07-11-2008, 11:43 AM
hi Master April,

Since the discus community is growing fast in British Columbia...and perhaps organize a chit chat session/coffee get to know each others better.
Many new discus hobbyists would like to learn from you.


*Polka dots roc*
07-11-2008, 04:04 PM
hi all i am also from the wonderful province of British Columbia:) and can't beleive there are so many others.

07-11-2008, 04:24 PM
hi Master April,

Since the discus community is growing fast in British Columbia...and perhaps organize a chit chat session/coffee get to know each others better.
Many new discus hobbyists would like to learn from you.


Great Idea Francis !


07-13-2008, 08:28 PM
Marius, BC for now, moving East next month :). Nice to see you here Kim, Francis, Evelyn... and beloved April :D

07-13-2008, 10:19 PM
Hi Marius,

Welcome to Simply Discus....many interesting topics here and keep in touch buddy.


Marius, BC for now, moving East next month :). Nice to see you here Kim, Francis, Evelyn... and beloved April :D

07-13-2008, 11:54 PM
Hey Marius,

Glad to see that you made it to this forum, Welcome:). Lots of great people here and lots of info. to find out about your upcoming tank set up. So drop me a line once you are in Montreal, I should be in Ottawa by September as well.:)

07-13-2008, 11:57 PM
Hi Marius, welcome, unbelieveable how much one can learn here!

07-14-2008, 03:43 AM
hey, i would love the chance to meet everyone..
if anything gets organized, please post!

Kenny's Discus
07-14-2008, 09:14 AM
Just wanted to say a big "Hi" to you all Canadian friends;

Francis, doc, tucker, Daniel, Alf, teacupgirl, Gwynneth, Kim, nicole, Marius, Evelyn, Elaine.

Welcome to Simply...I'm also a huge fan of April's.:)


07-14-2008, 09:41 AM
heh kenny..we can make you an honourary bc'er. lol. speaking of..come over to the canadian forum and say hi when you get a chance. : )

07-14-2008, 11:42 AM
Maybe you should make him an honorary Albertan / April, it may be more practical because everyone eventually winds up here in Alberta for work.... JK

07-14-2008, 11:57 AM
Just wanted to say a big "Hi" to you all Canadian friends;

Francis, doc, tucker, Daniel, Alf, teacupgirl, Gwynneth, Kim, nicole, Marius, Evelyn, Elaine.

Welcome to Simply...I'm also a huge fan of April's.:)


Thanks Kenny, I am a huge fan of yours (as well as April - great lady!). You have beautiful discus!

April - great idea, Kenny can be an honourary member.

07-14-2008, 12:37 PM
heh corrosionjerry..are you the jerry expecting discus tomorrow? theres plenty of work in vancouver..you could get a job on every block . all of downtown is a sea of cranes . the olympics are coming. : ) maybe you could move a bit more west.

07-14-2008, 02:18 PM
LOL... that would be me april !

I probably will move west in 3-4 more years... I started out in Saskatchewan and moved to Alberta when I was 25 or there abouts to find work and I plan to move to the interior or coast when I able to retire in about 4 years...

I actually love BC / to bad the tax's are so high... good to hear that the Olymipics are driving the economy along..

I am looking forward to recieving my Discus order tomorrow!

07-20-2008, 07:26 PM
Hey! A little groupie thing going on here!! Marius and I hide out in Burnaby, I know there's others in this part of town.

My last 2 discus buys were from April, some via Kenny and a few more from Hans. Good luck to the soon to be discus owners and keep up the good work to the existing discus keepers.


07-20-2008, 10:07 PM
hi Kenny! Im thinking most of my discus came from you - bought from April. You can see them at www.photobucket.com/Gwynneth.


07-21-2008, 01:21 AM
Hello everyone,

I am also in B.C. and fairly new to discus keeping but I am really enjoying it! Once you start buying discus, it's hard to stop!
Great fish, great forum, great people, great advise... what more could anyone ask for!

07-22-2008, 06:46 PM
Welcome platinum, couldn't agree with you more once you start buying its hard to stop, would love to see some pics.

07-22-2008, 09:03 PM
platinum is the winner of the butterflies from the chinese earthquake auction. i tried to keep them..but...she wanted them shipped . nice fish.

07-24-2008, 08:11 PM
Hi there, I'm from the Beautiful City of Burnaby where the grass is green and the chicks are pretty (jk lol).

I've just spoke with April about an hour ago as I am interested in getting into Discus. I have kept fancy gold fish and Aruanas for years before I came to Canada. Before, I was hesitant to get into Discus keeping because as they say it's aint easy to raise them plus the fact that it is pretty expensive way back home.

I'm so excited after knowing that there are lots of Discus hobbiest here. For sure I will be bugging you guys from time to time.

Cheers. :wave:


07-24-2008, 08:50 PM
hi there..again. where was home? they arent that hard..just clean water. read all the stickies in the beginner section. you should do fine with them.

07-24-2008, 11:10 PM
Hi April,

I'm from Manila, Philippines but here now in Vancouver for good (as they say, "The most beautiful place on earth") :thumbsup:

I have been reading the posts here about a week now (while waiting for my new tank to have a complete cycle ;) so I could put several Kings of Acquarium there).

Thanks for sharing your tips.

07-25-2008, 01:37 PM
Welcome Mylon! April is the master! God knows what I would do without her :), she is such an inspiration and so knowledgeable & has helped me countless times.

Looking fwd to seeing some of your discus when you get them via pics.

07-25-2008, 02:11 PM
Thanks Kim for the warm welcome.



07-26-2008, 11:27 AM
Your very welcome Mylon

07-27-2008, 06:11 PM
Hi Everyone,

Yahoo! Finally I got my first Discus(es)!!!!! :)

I just want to share "my discus experience."

After more than a week of monitoring my ph level of my newly setup 90G tank, I'm a bit hesitant to throw in some fish in there. For some reasons my ph level is slightly higher than the my tap's ph (6.8),:confused: I think the culprit is the little gravel that I put in my tank. I do testing 2x a day, in the morning and at night for the past week and gave a constant ph level now for the past 5 days now. I even sent a water sample to my wife for testing as she works in a lab.

I asked the Discus guru (April) if this is safe, and she said as long as the ph level does not rise or drop, you'll be fine. So I went to April's shop and grab 8lovely juviniles, she gave me a pretty good deal, chuck another one to make it nine plus a whole bunch of free goodies.

Day 1.

So I rushed home with 9 lovely prince & princess of aquarium.

After the babies arrived in their new "home" they just stay in one corner, I'm a bit worried that they may not like the ph level and they might suffer from stress. Until after a couple of hours, one fish started moving to the right.... mmmm she might be hungry looking for food. I was tempted giving them food rightaway... but no! Some other prince/princess follow, then they started their new condo tour, the first one being the realtor :p

I noticed after another 4 hours that everybody is kinda used to their new condo. I gave them a pinch of frozen blood worms to check their appetite, I was surprised the food is gone in a minute. I was so happy and relieved :) that they have adjusted to their new environment. I called it a night.

Day 2.

I woke up early and immediately checked my new tenants, mmm. they look relaxed. I grab a pack of frozen blood worms from my freezer and gave them a thumb size, again gone in 60 seconds. I gave them another pinch, i noticed that it took them longer to finished it. I decided not to feed them again as they might not be able to finish it. After lunch I noticed that some of them are digging out the thin gravel that I put. Mmmm. time for lunch. I gave them 2 thumbsize frozen blood worms same story... o man they love to eat!

To be continued....

07-27-2008, 10:50 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience with us and glad you got some nice discus from April.


Hi Everyone,

Yahoo! Finally I got my first Discus(es)!!!!! :)

I just want to share "my discus experience."

After more than a week of monitoring my ph level of my newly setup 90G tank, I'm a bit hesitant to throw in some fish in there. For some reasons my ph level is slightly higher than the my tap's ph (6.8),:confused: I think the culprit is the little gravel that I put in my tank. I do testing 2x a day, in the morning and at night for the past week and gave a constant ph level now for the past 5 days now. I even sent a water sample to my wife for testing as she works in a lab.

I asked the Discus guru (April) if this is safe, and she said as long as the ph level does not rise or drop, you'll be fine. So I went to April's shop and grab 8lovely juviniles, she gave me a pretty good deal, chuck another one to make it nine plus a whole bunch of free goodies.

Day 1.

So I rushed home with 9 lovely prince & princess of aquarium.

After the babies arrived in their new "home" they just stay in one corner, I'm a bit worried that they may not like the ph level and they might suffer from stress. Until after a couple of hours, one fish started moving to the right.... mmmm she might be hungry looking for food. I was tempted giving them food rightaway... but no! Some other prince/princess follow, then they started their new condo tour, the first one being the realtor :p

I noticed after another 4 hours that everybody is kinda used to their new condo. I gave them a pinch of frozen blood worms to check their appetite, I was surprised the food is gone in a minute. I was so happy and relieved :) that they have adjusted to their new environment. I called it a night.

Day 2.

I woke up early and immediately checked my new tenants, mmm. they look relaxed. I grab a pack of frozen blood worms from my freezer and gave them a thumb size, again gone in 60 seconds. I gave them another pinch, i noticed that it took them longer to finished it. I decided not to feed them again as they might not be able to finish it. After lunch I noticed that some of them are digging out the thin gravel that I put. Mmmm. time for lunch. I gave them 2 thumbsize frozen blood worms same story... o man they love to eat!

To be continued....

07-30-2008, 03:58 PM
Duncan,. i am living in Nanaimo BC .

Nanaimo is on vancouver island.

i am still breeding discus


07-30-2008, 04:50 PM
Welcome back Duncan. It's been a while. Where have you been these last few months?

07-31-2008, 02:07 AM
hi duncan. i think hes been busy with his new lfs in nanaimo.

07-31-2008, 11:53 AM
man, lots of ppl from hometown. Hi, I'm Kevin from Burnaby. some ppl know me, some don't.
Been into discus for couple years. I'm all bout wild discus now.
nice to see the local community's growing. let's face it, we have the best water, should have the best discus.

07-31-2008, 02:50 PM
well..we do..but our water has no minerals. almost ro water. about 0 hardness. the rain washes all the minerals away. no rocky mountains to absorb it. discus grow far faster in say ontario than here.

07-31-2008, 03:15 PM
easier to add minerals than reduce them. especially for wild fish, we have RO like water come out of tap.
easier to make them feel like home.

well..we do..but our water has no minerals. almost ro water. about 0 hardness. the rain washes all the minerals away. no rocky mountains to absorb it. discus grow far faster in say ontario than here.

07-31-2008, 04:07 PM
hello everyone

I miss everyone i do really enjoy here for a long time. Discus are always fanstic and lot of awesome in the future.

I have been a lot of working with my shop. It is really very tough for me. I have no time for social but i always spend time with my boys.

I had my back surgery. i got home from the hosptial last monday. I have to rest i can have time to do this site.

I am happy with my new shop in nanaimo., its really very indepance but lot of work and keep run my bussiness i hope i will get my pay back in the future.

home based bussiness i was doing breeding discus. angels and others. i had lot of time.

on june 2005 my hatchery moved to location shop on rock city shopping center i was fixing around the shop. my shop were opened on sept 3rd 2005.

on sept 2006 Gary who owner clear water pond suppler at coombs he asked me to moved there. we moved there on oct or nov 2006.

move back to nanaimo on mostar rd in nanaimo on july 1 2007. the shop reopened on sept 5th 2007.

I will never move around there. I believe in my heart if i stay there longer it would be much better. Becase of i lost lot of good custmors do not know where is my shop.

I agreed with April's comment about the water but at the well water is very good, has minerals. I know about lot of water are diffrent on the island but i think that the city tap water is very pure as ro what they use biggest ro filters.

Victoria city water , Shawington lake well water Nanaimo city and well water errington well water, parksville city and well water water are diffrent . I find out the well water is better than city water because there have lot of minerals.

IMO i like the island's well water is better that i breeded and grow out fry i dont need to add anything in breeding tanks and growing out tanks had no problems.

For growing out discus i used crushed corals it works very well.


07-31-2008, 04:08 PM
easier to add minerals than reduce them. especially for wild fish, we have RO like water come out of tap.
easier to make them feel like home.
I denfeintly i agreed with you ! I want to breed with wild cought heckel discus :D

07-31-2008, 04:56 PM
wow, I support you 100% emotionally.
if you success, you'd really make all BCers proud.
we are the luckiest Amazonia fish hobbyists on this planet.

I denfeintly i agreed with you ! I want to breed with wild cought heckel discus :D

07-31-2008, 05:09 PM
Thanks Kevin22

I am sure okay but it is not fun. Now i am resting and enjoy seeing everyone.

Do you have any discus in your tank yet.

We have babies gold leopard snakeskins I cant wait to turn out.

I would love to breed them.

08-01-2008, 02:34 PM
Welcome LT, you started right with master April! looking fwd to seeing some pics

08-01-2008, 07:24 PM
Sure I do, 7 wilds in total.
check out my vedio in Wilds discus section.

Thanks Kevin22

I am sure okay but it is not fun. Now i am resting and enjoy seeing everyone.

Do you have any discus in your tank yet.

We have babies gold leopard snakeskins I cant wait to turn out.

I would love to breed them.

08-01-2008, 11:43 PM
Hi Duncan,

Welcome back and all the best to your new shop....Tsawwassen to Nanaimo is just short ferry ride for me:)


08-02-2008, 07:14 PM
Welcome Duncan.

08-04-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi Kevin22 That is sweet! we can talk about the wild discus. I am very interested in to breed with heckel and cross with domonics discus. It would be awesome offsprings:)

Hi Francis, I would do that:) we can make plans

thank you Kim.

keep discus community grow in the future:)

sometime i will be online at simplydiscus.com the best is you can connect me email at aquatec@shaw.ca or pm me
I promised i will come back to simplydiscus.com more often i can.

Duncan +the boys!

08-05-2008, 12:14 PM
Hi, breeding wilds or mix wild and domestic is certainly the future.
IMO, domestic discus are reaching to a dead end like angel fish.
while getting more colorful, lost their strenth and size.
it's time to bring in the wild blood to rebuild the foundation.
one reason the domestic Alenquers and Rose red are getting popular.
Heckel x Heckel is still the biggest challenge in fish breeding.
hope you can make it. even breeding some blues or browns will be very exciting for local community. wish you all the best.

Hi Kevin22 That is sweet! we can talk about the wild discus. I am very interested in to breed with heckel and cross with domonics discus. It would be awesome offsprings:)

Hi Francis, I would do that:) we can make plans

thank you Kim.

keep discus community grow in the future:)

sometime i will be online at simplydiscus.com the best is you can connect me email at aquatec@shaw.ca or pm me
I promised i will come back to simplydiscus.com more often i can.

Duncan +the boys!

08-06-2008, 10:16 PM
i agreed with you :)

my location are not popluar alancer or red rose etc. Everyone likes to have colorful Discus. expect anyone knows about discus very well they would be interested in wild discus.

But i like to breed with wild discus and domotic discus. it would be fun.


08-12-2008, 11:41 AM
Nice to see fellow Canadians and British Columbians.

I've kept african cichlids successfully for over a year (there's always at least a couple fish breeding and holidng it seems in my tank) so I'm giving discus a shot, starting with two big ones that have paired off. In fact, they should arrive TODAY! :D

Rather nervous because I've never spent so much on a single fish before. I don't know many fishkeepers so feel free to pm me if you ever want to talk shop :)

08-12-2008, 12:01 PM
starting with a pair isnt the easiest way to go...its really best to start with small ones and raise them up to learn discus keeping. but....it may work out..bear in mind they can be a "pair" there..but never when you get them if they arent happy with their situation etc. or..sometimes they can have a marrital spat. did they produce wigglers or carry fry before you got them?
did you get them from sunrise tropicals?
do you live in vancouver?
your welcome to come by and see my discus if you do. or if you have questions. im on dunbar.

08-12-2008, 01:39 PM
starting with a pair isnt the easiest way to go...its really best to start with small ones and raise them up to learn discus keeping. but....it may work out..bear in mind they can be a "pair" there..but never when you get them if they arent happy with their situation etc. or..sometimes they can have a marrital spat. did they produce wigglers or carry fry before you got them?
did you get them from sunrise tropicals?
do you live in vancouver?
your welcome to come by and see my discus if you do. or if you have questions. im on dunbar.

Hi April,

My thinking was to go with these ones because they were really big--the size of small plates, about 5". I've read that juveniles are more difficult to take care of, so I though they might be more tolerant of any mistakes I might make. I simply don't have a free tank big enough right now for a colony of 6 or so.

Haven't seen wrigglers, only seen then do "shimmying" which looked like courtship rituals to me. Got them from Fraser Aquariums, who said they got them from a local breeder, but don't know who. I stared at them a long time to try and get a handle on their personalities--though of course cichlids can be infuriatingly unpredicatable at times.

Btw, I've seen your store...me and my gf brought our dachshund in for a clipping. Great stuff you have, we'll probably swing by again. :D

I hope we didn't start off on the wrong foot.

PS Do you have any NLS flake food? Was thinking of using that for the cardinals, which have already started accepting my rather old flake food.

08-12-2008, 03:53 PM
hi there.. welll hopefully they do their thing. if not..two bigger sized fish to enjoy. just keep the water clean..thats all they ask for.
i normally have nls flake.i have it ..but in a big bucket. but i can give you some in a bag .
i also have cones..if your discus so wish for a cone to lay their eggs in. shimmying is a good sign. if you do a bigger wc with a bit cooler temp..they may lay for you. not all males are fertile or good males. what colour are they ?

08-13-2008, 11:53 PM
hi there.. welll hopefully they do their thing. if not..two bigger sized fish to enjoy. just keep the water clean..thats all they ask for.
i normally have nls flake.i have it ..but in a big bucket. but i can give you some in a bag .
i also have cones..if your discus so wish for a cone to lay their eggs in. shimmying is a good sign. if you do a bigger wc with a bit cooler temp..they may lay for you. not all males are fertile or good males. what colour are they ?

Hi April,

got some pics. These discus are orange. Surprisingly, the pair we got had laid eggs, in the tank in the store! I asked to see the eggs and they were laid on a massive anubias plant, which we ended up buying. We brought the eggs home...you can see them here, on the middle leaf.


Unfortunately the discus decided to eat them after the move! You can see them being chomped down on here. Oh well; many animals do something similar when under stress.


Here is a shot of one of them swimming around.


They're REALLY different from africans; getting them to eat has been a little frustrating. Both discus ate some FBW, but only after spitting them then re-eating them. The larger one is often pecking at rocks and gravel in the "feeding area" and is usually out in the open; she looks HUNGRY, which is good. However, the smaller one is currenly hiding behind some plants and only ate 1 or two bloodworms. I took them away after 15 minutes.

I'm watching them closely and hoping they do okay. Today the larger discus ate some of the flake food which the tetras missed; the other one kept hiding. I think they are healthy but I was hoping they would "attack" the food more, and watching them spit some of the food makes me feel wary.

I'll probably drop by Pets Beautiful some time this week. Thanks for the tips; any other advice would be great.

08-15-2008, 03:56 PM
i would remove those big rocks. if discus get jumpy they can crash and hurt themselves..not to mention the more tank surface and water the better. the fish look nice.

08-15-2008, 04:51 PM
Rock = removed, thanks for the tip.

Thanks for the metro April. Currently treating one of them that has had white, liquidy poo. Day 1 and already problems! I've set up a 10 gallon with an air pump and trying to get the temp to 90-2 or so (right now hovering at 88). I'll try giving some food tomorrow and see how it goes. Doing daily wc of 50% thus far (1 day).

Fed the big one today...at least he/she is jumping at the food, snatching it in mid-water and eating it all.

It's quite torturous watching a discus unwilling to take food.

08-16-2008, 01:59 AM
keep going..hopefully the other one will get better. 88 degrees. is fine. just keep an eye it doesnt shoot up too high. hopefully a couple of days she or he will begin to eat.

08-16-2008, 03:51 PM
She laid a big brown turd last night, lol. Did another 50% wc today. Will try feeding again later tonight. Last night I tried feeding and she ate 1-2 whole bloodworms, but only after spitting and re-eating. After 10 minutes I removed the rest of the food, so she's not attacking the food like my other fish yet.

I'm not sure what I saw earlier was stringy poo...it might have been some of her slime coat coming off; the tetras ate it like crazy. Perhaps this was spurred by laying eggs or a water change? The thing is, it was in the shape of a thread, and she's still not eating enthusiastically. I didn't actually see it come out her anus. I hope I didn't mis-diagnose.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I'll return the metro soon; I saved a lot of it by using the 10 gallon tank. After tomorrow it will be three days of treatment.

Edit: Couldn't wait, tried feeding her. Saw her eat a small amount without spitting. Heat and metro seem to be working, though a lot of food is not eaten.

08-16-2008, 04:50 PM
dont return it...keep going for 5 days. sounds like shes on the mend. a brown turd is good sign. but dont stop the metro too soon..or it might regress. same as if we stop antibiotics too soon after a lung infection or whatever..it dulls it and it returns in vengeance if its not all dead. so continue for 5 days to be sure you got rid of it all. make sure shes eating well before you return her to the other tank.

08-18-2008, 10:07 PM
welcome Riff....I see your already in talks with April, she is OUR master!!! so you are in good hands!!

09-21-2008, 02:15 PM
Hi Master April,

Just to let you know that I got a pair of Red Melon from the 9 stocks that I got from you. They already have fries after the first unsuccessful attemp (dad chomped the eggs... maybe unfertilized). :thumbsup: :bounce2:

I got a question though as the fries are hanging on the PVC (filter intake tube) slime instead of their parents. Is this normal? This is already the 2nd day after they were hatched.

11-20-2008, 06:34 PM
Hi all, another British Columbian here; just joined SD last week.

I have been reading up many of the threads here in the past weeks. There are so many beautiful discus and setups to admire.

I got my fish from April earlier this month. They are 3" altum floras and are doing well so far in their new home.

Hope to learn more from you people. Cheers!

01-21-2009, 11:40 PM
Hi All...Claire here from sunny Kelowna in the glorious Okanagan Valley...feet up, beats on, enjoying the spoils of our soils and dreaming of discus.

01-22-2009, 07:51 AM
Hi there Clairel!

Welcome to Simply

Beats on huh......what kind of beats?


01-22-2009, 10:48 PM
hi there clairel..imagine meet you here. : )

01-22-2009, 11:35 PM
Welcome Claire to Simply Discus:)



Aprils has some 65 gallons tanks for sale.

01-23-2009, 07:41 PM
thanks for the welcome

Eddie - i have very eclectic taste in music - from Waits to Django Reinhardt (ya i like jazz - not the weird stuff), from Radiohead and Dave Mathews to Nina Simone, Ella and Billie Holiday, classical (not the weird stuff and no opera) Vivaldi 'Seasons' play all day, Feist, Allison Krause with Robert Plant, Buena Vista Social Club - love that Cuban stuff, Robert Johnson (ya i like blues), and lots of weird obscure stuff (I have (2) 20 something daughters), you get the idea...

April - birds of a feather..

Francis - thanks for the update on April's tanks, i am getting some made locally, you know, support the local merchant (and brownie points for future favors).

01-23-2009, 08:24 PM
ok..well..out of that list of music..i know feist. : ) thats it...
and..im tone deaf. but so are my discus so im in good company. : 0

01-23-2009, 09:19 PM
Hi all!

Dave here, I am in Port Moody.
I am in the process of renovating a room downstairs.
Once the tile is done I plan on setting up a couple of 75 gallon tanks I got on boxing day and filling them with some of Kenny's Eruption leopards through April.
Things are progressing a little slowly but I should be ready by early spring.


05-01-2010, 12:12 PM
Hi everybody. Same name as on BCA and other forums. It's Gary (many people get all tripped up on my screen name).

Guess I'm the latest Canadian recruit here. I've lurked here on and off, but recently decided to consider discus for my next tank (still not sure yet) so decided to sign up and do some research instead of asking on BCA. :D

bonsai dave
05-01-2010, 01:09 PM
Hello .Every one form thee lower mainland. I'm living in Lynn Valley. I currently have 8 wild caught and 9 domestics. I'm leaning towards wild now. Once I get over my car accident and get my water chemistry right . I will be trying to breed wilds.. I'm wanting to do a 8ft wild caught tank in the near future..

05-01-2010, 04:50 PM
Nice to see more local BCA members on Simply...:D

05-01-2010, 11:53 PM
My name is Dean and I hail from Prince George...and I to am addicted to Discus....lol
The fish we all spend all our life savings and our kids inheritances...lol....just

05-02-2010, 02:32 PM
imagine meeting you all here. well as you know..im here also..lol.
welcome aboard all you new discus keepers..and old from bc.
davejep..your projiect is taking a looooooooooooooooooong time. lol.

05-02-2010, 03:09 PM
imagine meeting you all here. well as you know..im here also..lol.
welcome aboard all you new discus keepers..and old from bc.

It was probably your evil plan to get us all over here. :D

05-03-2010, 01:15 AM
yes..evil plan. lol. out with the frogs..in with discus. lol. ok fine..keep the frogs..ill trade you a group of discus for charlotte. and not charlotte the spider. lol.

05-03-2010, 01:19 AM
Hahaha...you remembered Charlotte. Don't worry April. I'll be popping by to pick your brain some time soon. :D

05-03-2010, 05:27 PM
Its good to see lots of members from our forum/community starting to keep discus. Simply would give them a lot of answers to there questions a lot helpul members here too.

05-05-2010, 01:03 PM
I'm on here and BCA with the same name. Just moved to burnaby and setting up a whole new aquarium. Just need to find some discus to stock it with :D.

05-05-2010, 01:04 PM
I'm on here and BCA with the same name. Just moved to burnaby and setting up a whole new aquarium. Just need to find some discus to stock it with :D.

I sense a trip to April's coming for you then. :D

05-05-2010, 01:10 PM
Yep, was there for the open house. Way too many goodies to choose from. I'll make another trip once my tank is ready to go. Hope she has a shipment around then...

06-29-2010, 03:50 PM
Good afternoon! Sneaking in some Fishy love over lunch at work...


11-25-2011, 01:12 AM
Hello Just joined Im in North Delta Im on this forum and BCA with the same name getting into discus really like keeping them and so far so good :)

12-28-2011, 01:38 AM
Hi, I'm from BC, and very knew to the hobby/obsession.


01-01-2012, 08:47 PM
Hi, my name is Kris, and this is my first post.

SO I've been told by everyone that you cant mix discus and African cichlids. well I'll put my entire list of fish on here and see what you guys think. I started my 55 Gal corner tank in October 2010, and started adding fish in November 2010.

November 2010:
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Clown Loach

January 2011:
2 Blood Parott Fish (Male and Female)

February 2011:
1 Clown Loach
1 Pleco (12")

March 2011:
1 Red Spotted Severum

June 2011:
2 Male Longfin Rosy Barbs

August 2011:
1 Yoyo Loach
1 Jack Demsey
2 Red-Turquoise Discus (male and female)

November 2011:
1 Sunshine Yellow Peacock (African Cichlid)
1 Spiney Eel

December 2011:
1 Electric Blue Ahli (African Cichlid)
1 Electric Yellow (African Cichlid)

I've read/ been told that I cant keep these fish together due to temperament and water quality reasons. But I have NEVER had a single problem. Does anyone see any problem with what I've done?

Altum Nut
01-01-2012, 10:47 PM
Welcome to SD Kris,

African Cichlids and South American Cichlids do not belong in the same tank.


01-02-2012, 12:06 AM
First off welcome..alot of fish for a 55 gallon. In the end you will have to decide which fish you want to keep happy in the end. Jack Dempsey and severums get big..territorial.
Africans ,territorial and like high ph.
Lively swimmers and night fish as in clowns could stress out discus.
Discus normally one per 10 gallons.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=49.274983,-122.835496

01-02-2012, 03:28 PM
The advice you've been given is WRONG. The chiclid mix you have is not good for discus. As April and Ralph mentioned. African chiclids, JD's and Clown loaches are far too aggressive for discus. If you are serious about keeping discus, rethink the mix that you have.

02-07-2012, 10:49 PM
Hey all you BCians,

I moved to Vancouver Island over the last year and am now in Victoria. Really happy to see so many other discus fans that are relatively close by. Would love to make some contacts with others in Victoria, please pm and I'll gladly share my contact info - always game to meet and talk fish.

I currently have a planted 210 g with around 80 rummy nose and 12 GB Rams, plus the regular algae crew of BNP and sterbais.

Just placed an order for a batch of Juvies that should be ready around the beginning of March. This made up my mind to finaly join SD, even though I have been snooping and reading through this forum for some time.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you better.


02-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Welcome Louise .....glad you joined this friendly discus forum......i am quite close to you just by a ferry ride.....just a discus hobbyist in Tsawwassen......check out April's Aquarium......she's my mentor for discus....be free to any any questions here.

02-13-2012, 03:17 AM
I was in Vancouver last week for business, wish I thought of reaching out to some of you guys earlier. I should be in the area again sometime in the next 2 months, if anyone wants to meet up and grab a bite, I'd love to meet some of you out there. I've met some of the folks in the North East, including Evelyn. They've been all great people to chat with, and great company. I always have a great time when hanging with the SD crew. I imagine the same with our Canadian neighbors. So if any of you are interested in some chit-chat, send me a PM, eh? Cheers!


02-13-2012, 11:50 AM
That's nice....when in Vancouver give us a shout in advance and perhaps have coffee or meals together....chit chat about discus.

I was in Vancouver last week for business, wish I thought of reaching out to some of you guys earlier. I should be in the area again sometime in the next 2 months, if anyone wants to meet up and grab a bite, I'd love to meet some of you out there. I've met some of the folks in the North East, including Evelyn. They've been all great people to chat with, and great company. I always have a great time when hanging with the SD crew. I imagine the same with our Canadian neighbors. So if any of you are interested in some chit-chat, send me a PM, eh? Cheers!


Canadian Aqua Farm
02-14-2012, 03:26 PM
Hey all you BCians,

I moved to Vancouver Island over the last year and am now in Victoria. Really happy to see so many other discus fans that are relatively close by. Would love to make some contacts with others in Victoria, please pm and I'll gladly share my contact info - always game to meet and talk fish.

I currently have a planted 210 g with around 80 rummy nose and 12 GB Rams, plus the regular algae crew of BNP and sterbais.

Just placed an order for a batch of Juvies that should be ready around the beginning of March. This made up my mind to finaly join SD, even though I have been snooping and reading through this forum for some time.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you better.


Welcome Louise! We have a great discus community here in BC, quite a few in Victoria and other parts of the island as well.

02-16-2012, 01:26 AM
Thanks guys,

Hasn't been so long since I joined, but can easily say I've already picked pick a ton of info. Between here, our BC forum, The BarrReport and some online articles, starting to slowly feel a bit more ready for the young ones that will be joining me in a couple of weeks.

Can't remember how we managed with info before the internet and its forums, but sure is great to have a spot where so many can come together to discuss, help and share their passion.

03-17-2012, 08:12 AM
Hey is there a discus group or breeder in Powell river?

03-17-2012, 11:40 AM
Hi. Ummm..no. I have sent discus to one fellow in Powell river. Pretty small community.
I have German discus arriving next week. As far as clubs...sometimes discus people get togeather for lunch etcmhere in Vancouver. Very informal.
If your up to traveling...I may have a get togeather discus meeting at my shop in Vancouver.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?whlxog

03-17-2012, 12:40 PM
Hey April......we need you there for the informal meeting lah.......we missed you the last time........coffee at yr shop & then dinner elsewhere.

Hi. Ummm..no. I have sent discus to one fellow in Powell river. Pretty small community.
I have German discus arriving next week. As far as clubs...sometimes discus people get togeather for lunch etcmhere in Vancouver. Very informal.
If your up to traveling...I may have a get togeather discus meeting at my shop in Vancouver.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?whlxog

03-17-2012, 02:23 PM
Yeah I'll start thinking on it.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?0wargr

03-17-2012, 04:39 PM
Hi. Ummm..no. I have sent discus to one fellow in Powell river. Pretty small community.
I have German discus arriving next week. As far as clubs...sometimes discus people get togeather for lunch etcmhere in Vancouver. Very informal.
If your up to traveling...I may have a get togeather discus meeting at my shop in Vancouver.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?whlxog

What type of German discus are you bringing?

11-07-2012, 07:50 PM
I am living in Victoria, BC I have great high quality discus . I breed them. They come from Tony Tan who is the best discus breeder.

Sumo Boy 5
01-16-2013, 07:03 PM
Hi i am from surrey bc

01-16-2013, 09:02 PM
Hi All - I've been an SD member since mid-2010, but strangely enough, this is the first time I have seen this thread.
I've met several of you personally over the past couple of years, and feel I know quite a few of you others through your posts here or on bcaquaria.
It's a great discus community here in B.C., and there is no question that April Ross and Rick Grange of Canadian Aqua Farm Discus Hatchery are the masters to turn to when needing any discus info. And people like seanyuki, mello, bonsai dave, 2 wheelsX2, target, and many others too numerous to mention, are no slouches either when it comes to discus ! Lots of discus knowledge here in B.C.!

02-14-2013, 04:34 PM
Discus fever has struck. After checking out SD for quite some time, decided to register and join the crew to represent 604. Nice to see a few of the local forum guys on here. Looking forward to this new hobby venture.

02-14-2013, 04:47 PM
Discus are like the Borg, Ming! :p

02-15-2013, 02:01 AM
I have been here for long time maybe 2002 or 2003 that how I met April Ross.

You can check out with Northwestcoastdisc that was my old username I can not remember what is password.

So I am living in Victoria, BC I have 8 different kind of discus for sale. They are come from Tony Tan. Tony Tan discus are the BEST!!!

02-15-2013, 11:29 AM
When is yr next Tony Tan's new shipment coming in?

I have been here for long time maybe 2002 or 2003 that how I met April Ross.

You can check out with Northwestcoastdisc that was my old username I can not remember what is password.

So I am living in Victoria, BC I have 8 different kind of discus for sale. They are come from Tony Tan. Tony Tan discus are the BEST!!!

02-15-2013, 12:39 PM
When is yr next Tony Tan's new shipment coming in?

Maybe I will be getting more fish on late spring, Late May or early June 2013. Until my tanks are must be empty first before I will add more fish.

I will keep few breeding pairs discus in another room.

If you are interested in, please contact me.


02-25-2014, 10:26 PM
Hi there fellow BC'ers....I am on Vancouver island, new found love of discus after keeping other fishies all of my life. Finally took the challenge of owning these guys. I am actually surprised it was easier than i thought. I bought some gorgeous reflection D's, red turq, checkerboards, platinum and blue sapphire from Duncan. Great Breeder and full of so much information. has been a pleasure dealing with him, would highly recommend him to anyone looking to start out with Discus.

01-19-2015, 06:50 PM
Hello, BC Discus keepers! Nice to see some friendly faces over here from BCA. C:

01-20-2015, 08:25 PM
Hi Scampi. ive been here since its inception. welcome aboard. you can find some great info on here and a lot of longtime breeders and keepers . us oldtimers. lots of experience and lots of great discus !!

11-02-2015, 01:50 AM
Prince George here. :)

01-25-2016, 04:21 AM
well Been away from the hobby for a while but jumping back in :) Okanagan.

Altum Nut
01-25-2016, 09:40 AM
Welcome back Marco and hope your transition back is a positive one.
Any plans on what strain your going with.


01-25-2016, 11:42 AM
Hi all .

I'm in Gibsons , 2 yrs with a 90 and hopefully getting the feel for those guys ,
And Tuck,,,I have white worms , just PM me .

02-09-2019, 02:25 AM
Hi There,
I am also on the Island - North Saanich to be exact - just having moved here from Calgary. I hope to get my tanks up and running again, and hope to have a bit more time for the hobby now that I am retired.
Once we get our renno's done, I hope to have a fish room again, and put my breeding system back together. It was custom made by a glazier in Calgary. In the short term, hoping to restart with my 90 gal.
Looking to source some good fish on the Island. Let me know if you have some suggestions for trusted sources of discus on the Island!



01-26-2020, 04:35 PM
Hi all. I’m new to discus, love the fish and a little overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge I need to absorb.
Located in Victoria BC

01-26-2020, 04:37 PM
I have sourced my discus from all creature great and small. Behind Wendy’s at Blanshard and Bay St in Victoria
They seem healthy the challenge is keeping them that way with a beginners skill set