View Full Version : Move these 2 sooner rather than later?

06-16-2008, 09:56 PM
I received two young blue cobalts on May 9th, only about 2.5" tops. They've been in a 20G by themselves with a couple of cories and an oto to grow out some before adding to the main tank. I just took one out and measured. They are now between 3.25-3.5". I was hoping to keep them together in their tank for about another month, they've been doing just super. Tonight I noticed that a HUGE aggression issue has surfaced at feeding time. The one chases and pecks the other one something fierce. The rest of the time they are peaceful. Once this kind of behavior begins, it won't really stop will it? I guess they are going into the main tank sooner than later before the aggressive one hurts the non-aggressive one. I'm going out of town from Saturday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon with only my son to feed them all on a reduced schedule in order to keep the water as clean as possible until I get back. Would you move them over now too? I'm thinking if I do it now it will give me a few days to observe what's happening with them in their new surroundings?

William Palumbo
06-16-2008, 11:05 PM
If I were you...I would move them now. Like you said if you did move them now you would be able to observe them, tho I think after you move them they will be just fine. With that type of aggression, the weaker fish will not eat properly, and therefore may lag behind in growth...if not bullied to death...Bill

Don Trinko
06-17-2008, 07:55 PM
Most of my young discus did this but did no real damage to the other discus. If you have more fish the dominant one can not chase all of them away from the food. While it is chasing one the others will be able to eat. It also helps to spread the food out so the dominant one has more teritory to defend. I would move them now as long as you are sure they have no diseases.
Don T.

06-17-2008, 08:48 PM
Thanks for your recommendations William and Don. I moved them tonight. Did my normal big water change first, then put them in. They hid in the plants for a bit, peeking out while I did a WC on another tank. They are settling in pretty well though. I fed FBW and they eventually came out and started grazing with the adults. I'll just have to see if he simmers himself down or continues to go after the other blue cobalt. In the big tank I can see how much they've really grown and colored up. They are Jeffrey Yangs from M. Beals.