View Full Version : Suprise, Suprise

06-20-2008, 10:45 PM
Here's the story...I purchased four 3 -3.5 inch discus from Mike Beals about 2 months ago. They are in a 45 gallon semi planted tank with 12 neon tetras. These are my first discus and my main concern has been keeping them alive and healthy.

About a week ago I noticed some different behavior in the tank. Some shaking and tail wagging and such. The rose red and the yellow diamond were hanging out together. I was thinking this has to be jockeying for position in the tank. They are too young I thought-6 months or so.

Tonight, the rr was hanging out by a pvc cap in the corner of the tank. She was much darker than normal, (my first thought was she was sick). But the on closer inspection she was cleaning the pvc cap and I could see her tube. A little later she was laying eggs on the thing and the yd was hanging out defending the turf.

This is crazy. Can these fish fish be 6 months old? I guess the 2 in question are about 4 inches now. What am I to do? I have no idea.

Any advice or comments would be appreciated.


06-21-2008, 12:27 PM
im in the same boat. ive got some discus i thought were too young to lay eggs but the female has done it 2 times in the last week or so. they left the first batch for a little over a day and then they were gone. now theres another batch.

keep an eye on the eggs because if they hatch then youll know you have a breeding pair. next step is let nature take its course until you set up a tank to breed them in (if thats what you want to do)

06-21-2008, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the advice. I am not ready to breed so I guess I'll just see what happens. I just couldn't believe it when I saw her drop some eggs. It is exciting though!

I guess this means she's healthy.:)

06-21-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks for the advice. I am not ready to breed so I guess I'll just see what happens. I just couldn't believe it when I saw her drop some eggs. It is exciting though!

I guess this means she's healthy.:)

sounds like it. as i said hopefully you will see them hatch and then at least you know you have a pair. if they get eaten they get eaten...

my tank has other fish so even though they guard them well im sure the fish can get them if they want to bad enough.

06-21-2008, 11:23 PM
sounds like it. as i said hopefully you will see them hatch and then at least you know you have a pair. if they get eaten they get eaten...

my tank has other fish so even though they guard them well im sure the fish can get them if they want to bad enough.

What other fish do you have in your tank? My two seem to be standing guard fairly well. BTW- How old do you think yours are?

06-22-2008, 08:01 PM
What other fish do you have in your tank? My two seem to be standing guard fairly well. BTW- How old do you think yours are?

got 7 blood fin tetras, 2 other discus and a good size sailfin pleco.

i have no idea how old mine are i just got the 4 about 4 weeks ago. the ones doing the "egg" thing have doubled in size since i got them

*Polka dots roc*
06-22-2008, 11:03 PM
that is awesome :) If this is your first time with discus and you only have three in a 45 do you find that there us alot of aggression between them? I am planning on setting up a 46 with 4 discus but everyone keeps saying that there will be to much agression what do you think?

06-22-2008, 11:50 PM
got 7 blood fin tetras, 2 other discus and a good size sailfin pleco.

i have no idea how old mine are i just got the 4 about 4 weeks ago. the ones doing the "egg" thing have doubled in size since i got them

It sounds like we have similar amounts of fish. You know, my egg layer has grown but not a ton. The biggest one of the four seems oblivious to all of the moving and shaken. Not much has happened to the eggs. I don't think the were fertilized by the yellow diamond. That's okay because I'm not really ready for that action anyway.


06-23-2008, 12:00 AM
that is awesome :) If this is your first time with discus and you only have three in a 45 do you find that there us alot of aggression between them? I am planning on setting up a 46 with 4 discus but everyone keeps saying that there will be to much agression what do you think?

I actually have 4 discus and 12 neon tetras in my 45. :) Pretty much what people say here seems right about the number. There is not a whole lot of aggression between them though and everyone is eating their share. My Pb (who seems to be the low man) has his own territory and does well to defend it. The most aggression seems to be around feeding.

The 45 and stand was given to me otherwise I probably would have gotten a 55. I have been considering another tank - a 55. But that is as big as I can go. I have a small house and I am not ready for a fish room in the basement quite yet!:)


*Polka dots roc*
06-23-2008, 01:48 AM
I actually have 4 discus and 12 neon tetras in my 45. :) Pretty much what people say here seems right about the number. There is not a whole lot of aggression between them though and everyone is eating their share. My Pb (who seems to be the low man) has his own territory and does well to defend it. The most aggression seems to be around feeding.

The 45 and stand was given to me otherwise I probably would have gotten a 55. I have been considering another tank - a 55. But that is as big as I can go. I have a small house and I am not ready for a fish room in the basement quite yet!:)


wow that makes me feel better I was worried that my 46 would be to small. So I hope i'm as lucky as you:)

06-23-2008, 01:21 PM
Females will become sexually mature ahead of males, frequently. I have seen lots of discus lay at 10 months but usually males need more time. If you end up with a pair out of the 4 in your tank, they are going to be very aggressive to the other discus in there for sure--expect that behaviour and its sequelae. If there are more discus in the tank, the aggression is dispersed among many and doesn't tend to get serious; if there are only 2 other discus around, they may get whomped on pretty badly. On the other hand, it fortifies the pair bond to gang up on something else....depends on your perspective?
Best regards

06-23-2008, 11:59 PM
Females will become sexually mature ahead of males, frequently. I have seen lots of discus lay at 10 months but usually males need more time. If you end up with a pair out of the 4 in your tank, they are going to be very aggressive to the other discus in there for sure--expect that behaviour and its sequelae. If there are more discus in the tank, the aggression is dispersed among many and doesn't tend to get serious; if there are only 2 other discus around, they may get whomped on pretty badly. On the other hand, it fortifies the pair bond to gang up on something else....depends on your perspective?
Best regards


Thanks for the bit of info. I was suprised because I had calculated her age at between 6-7 months. When I got her and the others she was about 3 inches. She has grown about an inch maybe. The male (?) who seemed to hand with her is not mature yet I think. He didn't fertilize the eggs and they were gone this morning. Aggression did increase during egg laying but it wasn't to bad. We shall see what happens and take it in stride. My main goal really is to keep them healthy and happy


06-25-2008, 03:20 PM
Good goal!