View Full Version : Questions about tank size and number of fish

06-28-2008, 09:28 AM
Here is my situation. I have a 20 gal high tank. I can not go bigger or my wife will kill me(I had a 110 reef aquairum and she did not care for it at all). It has been running as a cichlid tank for 2 years. I have removed the cichlids and now have 3 cory cats and 4 ott's in there now. The tank has an Aquaclear 30 powerfilter. It is bare bottom with some rock and drift wood. What is the most i could do discus wise for this tank? I am thinking of a mated pair but I am unsure of what to do if they did have babies......

Thanks for the help.


06-28-2008, 10:23 AM
Domestic mated pair OR two adults would be fine. I would up the size of the power filter plus add a Hydro 4 or 5 sponge filter .. Hide it behind the driftwood. Get fid of the ottos. 20 gl. is kind of small. IMO

06-28-2008, 11:36 AM
I certainly realize that the 20 is too small, coming from a 110 gal reef. I also know that 6 discus is the ideal number but I can not house that number in this small tank. If I go up in tank size I will be looking for a new home because my wife will kick me out, so that idea is out. What I really want to know is what could I do if I were to get a mated pair and they were to have fry? I'm not sure if they would be I would like to be prepared.


06-28-2008, 11:51 AM
Is it the footprint of the tank that your wife doesn't "admire" or is it the tank itself?

06-28-2008, 12:56 PM
What about setting up a fish room in part of a garage or basement?

A pair would work OK in a 20 high (although a 20 long would be better). If your water is hard enough, when the fish layed eggs they wouldn't hatch out. I think that your Ontario water might be soft and perfect for Discus breeding, but you can always harden it.

06-28-2008, 01:12 PM
Its the cost that she isn't so fond of and the footprint as well. 20 high was all I could get and I can't go any bigger. I live in Illinois and the water is pretty hard here.

06-28-2008, 07:10 PM
I wouldn't think of trying anything less than a 55G! Discus need space and they need alot of it. :)

06-28-2008, 08:02 PM
A 20 tall is good enough for a breeding pair and nothing eles except maybe a Bristlenose. Do WCs of about 50% at least 5 times a week. They'll do fine. In hard water the eggs shouldn't hatch.

06-29-2008, 01:22 AM
Thanks Liz, I will go with the mated pair then. I will plan on alot of water changes.


06-29-2008, 12:08 PM
Put in a pair.

Get baby's, your wife will love them and ask YOU to set up a bigger tank for the baby's, problem solved.


06-29-2008, 12:55 PM
I like that. Thats kinda what I was thinking/hoping. I am planning on a every other day 35% water change and see how that goes. If I need to do more then I can up the amount or go to everyday. I am also planning on adding a sponge filter as another member suggested.


06-30-2008, 09:06 AM
Sponge filters are great. And, since you're already doing the water change, you might as well up the amount changed. I usually do 75% every other day. It's never been said that Discus suffer from too much fresh, clean water :-)

06-30-2008, 09:10 PM
Sounds like a plan. I am going to remove the ott's and try to keep the 3 cory cats and see how they do like that. How much do mated pairs generally run?
