View Full Version : bags and bagger for shipping?

07-01-2008, 09:31 PM
Can someone tell me where to purchase bags to bag fish with? I have numerous nine week old fry here (can't count them accurately, but about 85) and I'm trying to market them for local fish stores. My usual fish supply sources do not carry the bags. Thanks!

07-01-2008, 09:38 PM
I bought some from Buyguy52 on aquabid, and was very happy with the quality and price (he threw in a bunch of extras). He has a wide selection of sizes.


07-01-2008, 10:01 PM
If your only doing local sales, then 3 mil bags will work just fine. 18"+ in length and atleast 6" wide is ideal (8-10" is better for multiples in a single bag). If you ever plan to ship, then I would invest in good quality 4 mil bags. I know John at Jehmco.com has good bags.


07-02-2008, 12:11 AM
Jack, email me your addy discus-hans@comcast.net and I send you a 20-40 bags 4 mill that will do for a while,


07-02-2008, 07:43 AM
Thank you guys for your advice and information. Hans, you are a generous man! Thank you!:D

Kathy Poe
07-02-2008, 12:37 PM
We bought bags at U-line, price just ok. but nice bags.
Best of Luck

07-02-2008, 12:45 PM
Double bagging Discus with 4 mil. bags and without corners is the only way Discus should fly.
Very large specimens sometimes still manage to puncture both bags so always pack them individually, just in case something goes wrong despite your best efforts.
Also use a box liner bag.

07-02-2008, 01:39 PM
All my bags come from http://www.jehmco.com/ if you call ask John about the black sleeves.

He stocks them now on my request I used them for a few weeks now and am very happy with them,


07-02-2008, 02:51 PM
Hi DiscusHans,
Along with the subject of shipping bags for larger discus, do you use or believe in using any tranquilizers or oxygenating tablets in the bags? Tablets like the bag buddies www.jehmco.com sells. I see bag buddies also contain some clove oil which in higher doses, is often recommended as a humane euthanizing agent for fish.

07-02-2008, 10:59 PM

I put a bag buddie in every bag I ship out
8" bag = +/- 1/4 gallon water = 1 bag buddie
6" bag = +/- 1/8 gallon water = 1/2 bag buddie

+ Pure Oxy off course.

Some Discus will lay down for a few hours some are direct up and swimming.


07-03-2008, 06:54 AM
I appreciate your sharing your experience with and dosage rates for Jungle Lab's Bag Buddies" tablets.
I was thinking about using them in shipping water for single small fish individually bagged.
Plan was to dissolve a tablet in a volume per package directions then using only about 8 oz of prepared water per bag. Crumbling up a tablet and estimating how much to put in would be pretty challenging without measuring the powder to within 0.01 gram. That would be tediously time consuming and require an accurate scales. Much easier to do it volumetrically.

Thank you

07-03-2008, 11:18 AM
I just wanted to thank all of you for your suggestions, and especially Hans, who sent me an overnight FED EX package of bags to tide me over. Thank you, Hans. That was thoughtful and generous. :)

Sometimes this hobby can be frustrating and even tedious, and sometimes it seems to make everything else in our lives pale in comparison with the enjoyment and wonder it provides. But the thing I've found a constant, something it always provides, is the opportunity to meet and interact with fine, intelligent, and caring new people. It's not only the fish that are fascinating and rewarding; it's the folks like Hans that you get to know!

07-03-2008, 12:13 PM
Jack, no problem, hope you "make" some money on your fry so it helps in your hobby.

Larry, I've thought about that and tried but we got here always a stock of 4 x 55 gallon water that I use for shipping water.

This is 100% clean water, never had a fish in it on a Ph higher as in my tanks.
This is something we put a lot of time in to get it right.

If you trow the tablets in the water before you put it in the bags, you've to work at first fast, because the Oxy the tablet release in the water will be gone in an open storage and I wouldn't use that water the next day, so I've to trow every day the left over water away.

1 bag buddies (read label) is for up to 1 gallon of water, what I use I told already and it works very good for us. What we use is not "over dosing"

Okay off to the airport, pick up an other 29 boxes of those wonderful Stendker Discus lol
