View Full Version : number of discus and tertas?

07-07-2008, 09:42 AM
i have a 4 x 1 x 1.5 and just started it up this is my first time in keeping them and was wondering the number of discus and tetras i could keep in this tank it will have some plants but not loads.

07-07-2008, 10:10 AM
A 55 gal tank is not my idea of a good discus tank. I'll use one for a group of 12 juveniles and grow them to about 3-inches in diameter but as far as the final number of adults in one, I lean towards only 4 adult discus with a dozen Tetras, a pair or trio of Apistogramma spp. or pair of Blue Rams, 6 Corys and a Bushy Nose Pleco.

If you have the option, I would recommend a 75 gal tank. The real foot print of a 55 and 75 is close but the 75 gal has more potential for growing out or keeping 6 to 8 adult discus, given a good filter system. I can keep more than 8 but more maintenance is required.

07-07-2008, 10:41 AM
how often would i need to change the water if i had 6 juvie discus in there till one pair off?