View Full Version : Does prime really deactivate bleach?

07-07-2008, 09:57 AM
Hi all,

I have to clean out this huge driftwood piece and have to bleach it. I usually just boil my wood for about 12 hours instead. Apparently, it does not always really disinfect anything...
In any case, I was hesitant to use bleach because I figured that it would leech back into the tank water. I read somewhere on the forum that Prime (or any water conditioner) deactivates bleach. Is that true???? In what proportion though? Any feedback is VERY welcome!!!!!:):):):)


07-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Hi Spohie 1st off why do you need to bleach the driftwood. Why not just clean any dead or rotting areas away, any old bark and then give it a good hosing down. It should be ready to go.

If it's freshwater driftwood then bleaching will remove some of the tannins as saltwater and sun do to ocean driftwoof which is a better driftwood.

To answer your question yes a dechloriator will deactivate bleach...rinse and soak very well 1st though


07-07-2008, 10:48 AM
Thanks Graham.