View Full Version : Bristlenose death?

07-08-2008, 12:33 AM
Why does everyone? And how does everyone keep BN with discus? I just bought two and both are dead inside of 4 days. All research seems to say their upper temp limit is 80F. What gives? Did I misread, come across bad BN? Very confused:confused::confused::confused:.I know you guys wouldn't keep them if it didn't work!

07-08-2008, 01:43 AM
I've them in all my tanks, most do fine but.....my Discus like to "pick" on them, one pick and..........plop dead.

I had a few empty tanks, that is, with only 2 bristlenose in each tank.
I put in 10 of those tanks groups of 30 x 2.5" Discus last week.
2 days later I picked out 12 of the 20 Bristle noses killed, after a week the Discus know they are NOT food and leave them alone.


07-08-2008, 11:15 AM
I have kept bristlenose in my tanks with discus at 82-84 degrees and they have always done fine, raised from 1/4"ers [with some driftwood cover]. The only time I have had discus kill them was very recently--a young new pair of san merah from a group of juvies I got last summer killed off 5 3" bristlenose in as many days when they were preparing to spawn. Squiggy had the same thing happen a few months ago in the same situation, I know. Bummer--I raised those guys from a spawn in my planted...

07-08-2008, 03:32 PM
I've them in all my tanks, most do fine but.....my Discus like to "pick" on them, one pick and..........plop dead.

I had a few empty tanks, that is, with only 2 bristlenose in each tank.
I put in 10 of those tanks groups of 30 x 2.5" Discus last week.
2 days later I picked out 12 of the 20 Bristle noses killed, after a week the Discus know they are NOT food and leave them alone.


I thought about this and dismissed it. I did notice the discus seemingly following the BN around but never saw any picking. Wow. So maybe I need to put 5 in there and see who survives? Good for me but bad for the unlucky BN, hope the wife allows this kind of Bobby unnatural selection:).

07-08-2008, 04:17 PM
I loose them occationally because they don't get enough to eat. In my grow out tanks the discus eat all the food and don't leave any for the BN plecos. They even eat zuchini and algae discs.
I breed BN plecos, so there is always enough to supply the discus tanks.

07-08-2008, 05:14 PM

when you first buy plecos you need to have driftwood. It provides roughage and helps avoid bacterial infections due to indigestions. Once settled and eating you can remove the driftwood.

Feed your plecos a-l-o-t. They really are an eating machine. Lots of people starve them and they get this hollowed-belly appearance. But driftwood is essential.

If you have lots of discus in the tank you will need to supplement with veggies cause the plecos will not get enough. I give them veggies anyway cause it is fun to watch discus pick on cucumbers :) BTW the angelfish will devour the cucumber too (crazy buggers) Use a plant weight or whatever works (watch those metals) to tie it down.

IMHO (in my humble opinion of course)


07-10-2008, 12:10 PM
I have Ancistrus sp 3, Common Bushy Nose plecos with all my Discus.

The only time I have lost any to Discus was when I fed about 200 5 day old albino bushy nose larvae to a group of Discus. They were still half egg yolk and half fish. Mmm, good snack.