View Full Version : Prazi bath?

07-30-2008, 11:14 PM
If I wanted to do a Prazi bath(high concentrate, one fish), what would you guys do? 5 gallons, salt, time, amount prazi...ect? Oh, sorry, curing flukes and the such.


07-31-2008, 05:45 PM
What your describing is a "dip" and Prazi isn't the way to go. It's for long bath treatments that can last from two to three weeks.
I've had good results doing formalin dips for individual fish with flukes. Add 15 drops/gal in a bucket with strong airation for thirty minutes. It works very well. I also put a 50w hang on heater on the bucket to keep the temp stable.
After the 30 mins are up, remove the fish and put it into a clean tank that doesn't have flukes to recover.


07-31-2008, 06:29 PM
Thanks Kacey. Kinda what I thought. I've used M blue, salt, and formalin as dips before but was just curious about the Prazi.