View Full Version : Firewood and pellets 2008-2009

08-17-2008, 06:20 AM
Hi All,

Well the summers almost over here the Northeast USA.:( time to start :(thinking about heating the fishroom and my home....I use a wood stove and fireplace to do so... Been shopping around and have really gotten concerned..prices on this stuff skyrocketed...

With fuel oil prices high as they are, the interest in cord wood and even more so...sawdust for Pelletstove pellets is at an all time high... Its hard to even find sellers with material in stock. At this time of year...thats real unusual.

If you burn cord wood its probably not going to be at last years prices, but if you use any processed sawdust blocks/pellets.. be prepared to pay as the season moves on...With the housing market down..less construction means less saw dust...Saw dust users like pellet manufacturers have seen their costs for raw sawdust double in the last year.:(



Greg Richardson
08-17-2008, 03:09 PM
I get all my wood for free on Craigslist. Scrap wood from construction to get a hot fire burning quickly then logs to burn longer. Trees always falling down and people with out fire places happy to give it away. I only get what is cut up into fireplace link. Then I split it. Just recently I got two Van loads of siding and other wood from an old barn they tore down. Going to make a rabbit hutch out of the wood plus a few other things then burn the rest.
Now I have a deal with a GC who is filling up barrels full of his scrap wood from sites and his wood making business in his basement. Wood that was going in the land fill. Craigslist is great. If you seek you will find. And you are helping each other out.

It is VERY hard to find an honest wood guy up here anyways. Most are rip offs. They put the dry stuff on top. Don't know how to use a tape measure.
I sold cords of wood a few years back when I had trees go down at my place and people were shocked at how much they got. I said will you shouldn't be that's what a true cord of wood is.

So glad I don't have to deal with those people any more.

08-17-2008, 05:01 PM
People will be shocked this winter when they see their heating oil bill. Sweaters might not be a bad present to get this year. :)



08-17-2008, 05:05 PM
Oh, I live in sunny California, no cold, snow, or ice here! :D

08-17-2008, 05:42 PM
Oh, I live in sunny California, no cold, snow, or ice here! :D
It's still colder than here:p lol

08-17-2008, 06:50 PM
Oh, I live in sunny California, no cold, snow, or ice here! :D

:) And what a great summer it was/is too! Who would have ever thunk that in Mid August I would not turn on my ac til 2pm??? That is what we did today!

Sorry about winter worries, Al. I usually have summer worries ~ my electric is $45/mo in the winter and $250/mo in the summer due to the ac!:mad:

We never turn on our heat in the winter ~ grab a sweater!

08-17-2008, 06:50 PM
It's still colder than here:p lol


08-20-2008, 11:03 PM
I think everyone is getting really proud of thier firewood and pellets up here in Ct. Al!!!

Everyone is talking $250-$295 a chord this year!! :shocked2: The guy laughed at me when I asked him if he could give me close to the same deal as last year!! :mad: He owes me a few favors as well...Thats ok... I will talk some sense into him...

Now that the price of oil is coming back down, the chord wood should do the same. I have heard the same from several people though that the pellets are a hard commodity to find at the moment. I believe that the chord wood might not be the wave of the future! You are pretty much at the mercy of the vendor with chord wood. You know exactly what you are getting with bags of pellets. They go further and burn cleaner as well so I am told.

Pellets dont make a very nice campfire though...:(

08-21-2008, 09:20 AM

Everyone is talking $250-$295 a chord this year!! :shocked2: The guy laughed at me when I asked him if he could give me close to the same deal as last year!! :mad: He owes me a few favors as well...Thats ok... I will talk some sense into him...
Thanks!!! If all goes well I will be getting some cord wood this weekend at a fair price.

sadly... the problem with cord wood is 1 part greed/1 part greater demand than supply.... Theres so few selling firewood in the northeast (at least in CT) that they can name what they want... The stupidity is firewood prices are getting to the point where they aren't much better than oil in heat per dollar...


08-23-2008, 11:41 AM
Oil prices might really go high this winter. I'm pretty sure Israel will attack Iran sometime this year. They have to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel can't take the risk of letting Iran have a nuclear weapon. Oil prices will jump when Iran is attacked. What happens after that is anybodies guess. I think if Obama is elected President, Israel will attack before Bush leaves office. If McCain is elected President, the Israeli's might wait a little longer. Of course, they just might attack Iran before the election as a surprise. The bottom line is oil and gas will surge higher on the news.