View Full Version : Blood pigeon almost dead...

08-27-2008, 09:42 PM
I made a post on another forum and i was refered to this forum for help with Discus. These are juvies, ive had them for about 2 months im not totaly sure how old but ill copy and paste what happened yesterday morning.


This is the second fish ive lost in 2 weeks over night right after i did a waterchange. The real problem this time is its one of my Blood pigeon discus. Last week i lost a Rosey barb over night, the next morning he was stiff at the surface not even breathing. Right now my Discus is breathing heavy, floating on the surface of the water, but when i put the net close to him he can still swim but it isnt looking good.

I have also noticed he is VERY bloated, at least twice the size of the other discus i have only where his stomach is. I really dont know the cause of them dying, i know my nitrates nitrites and ammonia are all in check, the temps are decent. Do fish usualy bloat from something?

Also is it time to finish the job for this guy, i dont want him to suffer but i dont want to kill him if he might have a chance, yesterday he was swimming and eating fine, but he did seem a bit timmid when i was cleaning the tank. The last time i had seen him hidning like he was last night was right when he came down with the itch, but i treated that and it went away in 2-3 days.

obvously some quick help would be nice i dont want this fish to suffer if it doesnt have too.

4 hour later i got some advice at my lfs.

Ive done some calling to the lfs and they said it might be dropsy, because of the swelling and how quickly it happened(overnight). I did some reading and the only thing i cant notice is the "pinecone" look from the scales because of how small the discus scales are.

i posted a picture i found on the internet of a fish with dropsy and basicly this looks exactly like the body of my discus without the scale "pinecone" look.

about 4 hours after i treated the tank with KanaPlex from Seachem

What you have said i bacilly followed to a "T", thats why i dont belive it is itch.(also i dont want to dose my tank with aquarium salt right now as ive read it will cause the fish to retain more water and basicly kill them quicker if it is in fact dropsy. Ive read Epsom salts work though as the fish dont obsorb it like normal aquarium salt)

When i went to the lfs for some help he suggested a medication called KanaPlex from Seachem. I dosed today about 7 hours ago. At that time the discus couldnt swim off the surface of the water, he kept going from coner to coner where he would sit and breath.

Ive just come homw from work and looked in all the coners and he wasnt there. So i checked around the tank, he isnt out of the woods by anymeans, but he is swimming around the tank... all be it still a little strange as he is consistantly swimming facing down(like he is fighting floating to the top) but he does look better then laying flat on the surface of the water.

I reduced my lighting so if he were to be at the top it wouldnt stress him out, ive also turned my powerhead off as when my fiancee found him this morning the current had him pinned in the conner(she was upset seeing him that way and rightfully so)

Id have to say just the fact he can swim he looked 100 times better, but i have a feeling tonight will be the real test if he makes it threw the night or not.

He does seem bloated still i cant say if its more or less.

I wanted to do a small WC tonight around 10-20%, should i just wait a day and see if he gets better, i dont want to stress him out anymore. I just want to make sure i keep the water clean as ive read dropsy is passable to other fish.


Well in 24 hours this discus went from being found pushed into the coner of my tank from my power head unable to swim and about twice as wide as normal to today where he is swiming around the tank comming to the front of the glass when i walk bye waiting for food... Talk about a turn around, i was really consitering putting this fish "out of missery". Im glad i gave him a while.

Im going to do some small WC for 2 weeks and try to keep him as happy as i can, i know 24 hours doesnt mean hes over whatever he had but ill do my best with keeping him tank really clean(i alreayd do 40% wc a week but ill start doing smaller ones threwout the week)

I did have a concern, im treating the tank with KanaPlex from Seachem, will this have any side effects on the babie fish that are litterly 2 days old, i realized i had them the day i saw the fish sick. Im going to finish treating the tank for 4 more days(once every 2 days) but just want to make sure this stuff is ok on the little guys.

Im sorry for the long post, i would have come here when he was sick but my account didnt get cleared untill today. Is anyone able to give me the thumbs up on what im doing. Things are looking a lot better but this is my first Discus ive owned. There is no signs of him being ill today, but how quick he got sick i know it could turn for the wose if i dont keep doing everything i can.

The funny thing about this situation was the morning i found the Discus sick i also found about 15 babie albino red swords, so it was kinda a scary morning and a happy morning, i have the babies in a breeding net but i dont know if they are ok with me treating the tank while they are so young.

08-29-2008, 12:45 PM
Man I dont know ill i can say is i hope it goes well sorry

08-29-2008, 01:29 PM
Im definetlly no expert, but it sure sounds as if he has Swim Bladder to me.
If it is not bacterial Swim Bladder than most likely within a few day's it will start
to subside and release air if you will, helps the fish start to swim up right. You said you had treated your tank once due to the fact of one of your fish having Ich. I have never seen a Discus get Ich due to the high temperture that they should be in. Normally high heat keeps that in check.
Unless maybe when you do water chages the water temp is fluctuating too much..

Another thing that makes me think of Swim Bladder is the fact that you noticed this after a water change. Discus are very sensitive to the temp being the same while doin a water change. If the temp is much different it can cause swim Bladder due to temp changes. Also, I've heard over feeding can cause this as well.
I'm sure someone with much more experiance will pop in and give you some

09-05-2008, 07:46 PM
i think it could be dropsy:


i would up the water change to 40% 3 to 4 times a week, and wipe the inside of the tank clean.

09-06-2008, 09:01 AM
What you have said i bacilly followed to a "T", thats why i dont belive it is itch.(also i dont want to dose my tank with aquarium salt right now as ive read it will cause the fish to retain more water and basicly kill them quicker if it is in fact dropsy. Ive read Epsom salts work though as the fish dont obsorb it like normal aquarium salt)...''

Just a correction.....fish do not absorb salt but work at keeping it out. It does not cause them to retain more fluids. Adding salt to water will help with osmoregulation since there will be more of a balance between the water's salinity and thier bloods (0.9%). There fore they may be able to clear the excess fluids that cause dropsy.

09-06-2008, 12:35 PM
I think Kanamycin, the antibiotic that is in KanaPlex, was the right way to go. It's one of the best meds for internal bacterial infections. I would keep the treatment going for 10 days to 2 weeks minimum.I'd also do a 50% wc everyother day just before the KanaPlex is added.
