View Full Version : Discus That Became a Vegetatarian??

09-03-2008, 08:06 AM
Hi about 3 weeks ago I placed 6 ruby nosed tetras in my tank (to cycle it) and about 10 days ago i got 2 jeuvenile discus (2.5 inch maybe 3.5)

The one discus is eating like a pig and masacring the "frozen' bloodworms that i'm feeding them (thats what they were fed before), he also eats my morning flake supplement and my ocasional brineshrimp/bloodworm 50/50 mix... The other guy (a blue snakeskin I think) seems to have not as good color, and doesn't eat the bloodworms!!!! And that was what the previous owner fed them... All he does is visciously attack my "real" plants as if he was starving lol... I also have a RO/DI unit to help with the water changes cause my tap water sucks =)

Snakeskins eating now and is deciding to be king of the tank =), the pecking order is changing as of now

My tank Stats...
85 Gallon hex
Has driftwood
Has plants real
6 Ruby-Nosed tetras
3 jeuvenile discus
PH == 6.4
TDS == 153 ppm (as of now)
I have a great bio/carbon filter
A water heater (temp == 85degrees F)

Pyro (my freaky nickname)

Any help would be appreciated (and this isn't a big issue yet they still are fairly active)

09-10-2008, 05:24 PM
So you had the tank running for 11 days and then put the discus in there? Theres no way a tank that size is cycled with such a small bioload after 11 days.

You should be checking the ammonia/nitrate/nitrite very often to see when your cycle really gets going. I would add an airstone now and be doing very large water changes daily as soon as you see ammonia.

Is the tank barebottom? If not, what are you using as substrate?

Also, if you can afford it, the discus will do better in sets of 5 or more. I wouldnt definitely not add any discus though until you verify that your tank is completely cycled.

It will help people if you post your water parameters as well.

Good luck,


09-10-2008, 07:09 PM
He seems good now, actually became the most agressive of the 3 (eating all)

Doing 25% daily (or every other day) wc and I have added bacteria (before fish in tank) with product before then and they all seem happy.. It isn't bare bottom by the way...

Also i have a cycled 15 gallon tank with a goldfish (3inches) and 2 black moores (2in each)

Nitrate == about 0-2 PPM
and Nitrite == 0

TDS == 167


09-11-2008, 07:28 AM
Which product did you use? Ive not heard of a very high success rate with most of those "cycle in a bottle" products. BioSpira is the only one rumored to work, even though Ive never used that.

Really monitor your ammonia over the next 2 weeks or so. It may take a while for it to get high enough to be a factor with your small bioload.

09-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Biospira is the one used ...