View Full Version : help for very skittish fish

09-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Good morning ihave a group of 12 discus in a 50 breeder (18/18/36),there sizes range from 2/4 in.i have had them maybe 3mo now got em from kenny actually,there are a few fake plants and a couple hydro sponge filters no sand back painted dark blue sides coverd with blue foam insulation i do daily vacume with 50% water change from water storage barrels i am usually able to walk in and feed them without to much trouble but not always sometimes they dont even get to eat cuse one will fly off in a tangent offtimes banging on tank sides. i am not only concerned about physical harm but the stress factor and yes they seem to calm down after a while but i am sure this is harmful to them,Well since i started this i checked on them and found my second casualty i new i had one that was not acting good or eating i tried to look for physical signs and saw nothing but upon removal i see a large bump like on him not woundlike but grouth. so anyway this has become quite long i guess but i am very bumbed i work ard at trying to keep these guys healthy i am just looking for any thoughts as what may help and i did just get a 65 breeder (48/18/18) dont know if that is the answer or not.

09-07-2008, 08:54 AM
Have you checked your water. Mine reacted the same way when I received them, found that my KH was way to low and causing swings in the ph. Have since started adding baking soda to the water and raised the KH to 3. Also noticed big improvement in behavior when I turned temp up from 82 to 85.

hth, Jamie

09-07-2008, 09:01 AM
Hi Ron,
IMO, I think it's time to split up your group.Twelve in a 50 is way too cramped. In Feb. I recieved 12 from Kenny and split them up in two 50's and they are very happy. I'm thinking they are starting to out grow those tanks.

Get the 65 up and running which shouldn't take too long since you are running sponge filters. Split the sponges between the two tanks. Install new sponges where they were taken from. Take half the water from the 50 and put it in the 65, feed lightly for a week or so. I would split the fish up size wise.

Good Luck,

09-07-2008, 09:29 AM
Hi Rich
Thanks for the response i tend to do things backwards as i posted my question then did a search and was taking some notes on possible causes and solutions,when i saw your response and am thinking along same lines,so for some reason i went to basement to check on them ,well while im here drop in a little food well the tank bit me well sorta i thought i got a poke and sure enough after unplugging heaters one at a time the shock went away so at least i found something positive to fix .
i had written things to check in no particular order
Electric shock
ph swings
an individual inciting caos
water parameters
several people think adding movement around tank helps
anyone think of anything else to add to my list

09-07-2008, 06:47 PM
I have very skittish discus myself too. 6 in a 75g bb tank.

When it happens ( most likely when sudden and fast movement outside of the tank during daytime), they go crazy dashing aimlessly banging pretty hard on the sides of the tank.

My tank is 12 ft from a window, I guess my shadow is more prominent when it is bright out.

How would you add movement around tank?

Autumn Wind
09-13-2008, 02:23 PM
Have you checked your water. Mine reacted the same way when I received them, found that my KH was way to low and causing swings in the ph. Have since started adding baking soda to the water and raised the KH to 3. Also noticed big improvement in behavior when I turned temp up from 82 to 85.

hth, Jamie

Jamie how much baking soda do you add to get your KH to 3? My KH is between 0 and 1. thanks.

09-13-2008, 02:53 PM
You could also add dolimite/ crushed coral to your filterto help buffer the water.. That is what many do.. David

09-13-2008, 08:21 PM
Hi All
thanks for the responses i am very new to all this but am not a fan of adding anything to change my water characteristics if at all posible i really dont have a good reason for this other than i dont like pills,but in regards to my fish and being skittish at a friends suggestion because they had been in my care several weeks and no outward apperence of sickness i put them in my 125 upstairs with 10 other discus all but one began to act normal within a few minutes and that last one came around in the am you CANNOT believe the difference in these fish same water same temp.same everything except one tank is upstairs one in basement they dont like somrthing in my basement
oh yea the poop diference between 10 fiish and 22 fish is enormous
have a good eve.
ps kenny if you are looking tanks

09-13-2008, 10:30 PM
If you haven't closed off 1/2 the tank , paper , paint , whatever so the fish have a solid background try it. Fish need security.