View Full Version : 29 gallon for pair

09-09-2008, 12:55 AM
im not sure if this is in the right spot and this maybe a wierd question but here is goes. i am curently growing out 10 discus in a 75 gallon tank and im hoping to get alteast one pair once they are full grown i was planning on taking the pair out and putting the best looking pair in my 29 gallon planted tank. im not looking to breed them really at all i just think a pair would look good in my tank in my room. now the reason i ask is caz this tank has alot of plants and has two 24" hot5s over it. would the discus not like this much light or is that not enough room for a pair. i have read a BB 29 is good for a pair but what about a planted. sorry for the rambling post. thanks for all the help.

kid 2005
09-09-2008, 10:14 AM
a tank decorated with plants i guess is ideal for discus but it's a bit hard to take care of them, but as long as you like it, you can put them in the planted tank any time to enjoy their beauty, light is also important and it helps you have a good look at the fish or make your fish more dominant, i dont think they get scared once you have plants as well as other items in the tank as some promising shelters. A 29 gallon tank with plant (but enough, not so much that it occupies all your tank) is really good, i see some like this and used to have one with these, enjoy !!!!!!

09-09-2008, 12:33 PM
ok cool thanks. ill give it a shot. i just think that would look amazingly cool to have a pair in my room tank.