View Full Version : Gill problem with discus!

09-12-2008, 07:55 PM
I just got 5 discus yesterday all from the same breeder shipped from florida. all are doing fine except for 1. It is breathing heavy, is LIGHTER than the rest not showing as much color. At first his left gill was working and not his right now today his right gill is working and not his left?? weird! I haven't noticed any rubbing, but hes not eating. I don't want to just assume its flukes without second and third opinions, so does anyone have any idea what this could be, and what I should use to treat?

09-12-2008, 08:52 PM
Any head shaking? Dashing or darting? When my babies had flukes they also would close one gill plate. Any scratching or rubbing? Mine had all the classic symptoms of flukes so it was super easy to identify. Treated them with quick cure. Once a week for 3 weeks is what it took for me. They were egg laying arghhhhh. Keep us informed., Ps what breeder here in fl? you can pm me that.


09-12-2008, 09:43 PM
Yea was just over there watching some more and there is head shaking too. grrrr didn't want to have to treat anything this soon with them being shipped so far and now just getting adjusted to their new home. O'well gotta do whacha gotta do I guess. Silly fish I checked them all over for that kinda stuff before I removed them from bags. Must not have got to him as bad until he actually got in the tank and the stress made flukes have a party. *sighs*
These are my first discus ..I have read and studied and read and read some more lol ..just goes to show you can never know or do enough lol
