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View Full Version : Discus wont eat

09-19-2008, 07:29 AM

I have 3 fully grown discus and one of them hasn't been eating for a week now and is looking kind of skinny.

All my water perameters are good and no other fish appear to be affected just this one. There are no tell tale signs of illness, no marks or growths of any kind.

I have been trying to hand feed it for the last few days but so far all it has eaten is a few bits of flake, it is completely ignoring the food it would normally jump at.

I have just done a massive water change and turned up the heater to try and get his appetite going, but apart from that i am struggling.

Has anyone ever come across this before?

is there something else i can do to get the fish to eat? ... in a few more days this fish isn't going to be around so i'm kind of desperate here.


09-20-2008, 09:20 AM
Well not much response then.

The fish died this morning.