View Full Version : Can crooked faced Tangerines have good fry

09-19-2008, 11:46 AM
I have what I hope to be a pair of Tangerine X pigeon blood about 6in. One has typical male type form ..dorsal with long banner, pointed anal fin etc. Problem is both have crooked noses, rest of body perfect.
Can these guys throw normal fry or will all be the same, If I mix with normal (straight nose) will a good portion of the fry also be normal?
Any ideas as to what causes the nose to shift to one side, this is the second set of fish (discus) I have seen this way.

09-19-2008, 03:40 PM
Can these guys throw normal fry or will all be the same, If I mix with normal (straight nose) will a good portion of the fry also be normal?

Possibly they can throw normal shaped fry but i wouldn't even be considering it, what if f1 is good and reappears in f2, that could be a couple of years work down the drain.
The original breeder should have culled these out, that really is one of the deformities easily seen in a small discus. :(