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09-19-2008, 06:31 PM
The condo board in my building has decided that I can no longer breed fish in my home. They voted at their board meeting that I am to be allowed to keep no more than 60 gallons of water to keep fish in which, of course, will put a stop to all my plans for working with the SE and FFS strains. Not only that, but I'm told that breeding pets in my home is forbidden.
I had a spill (over a year ago) that resulted in insurance companies being called due to some stains on the downstairs neighbors ceiling and another minor spill that led to a small wet spot on his rug but no damage done. There was also a complaint about noise from a pump (in a barrel) which I eventually switched over to an airstone. No problem I thought.
They also brought up the danger of water in tanks if an earthquake hit, and said there insurance company had a problem with the tanks. I have the same insurance company that drew up their policy and they assured me 3 years ago that their was no restriction on the # of tanks or amount of water.
Well, I don't want to ramble and right now I'm about at my wits end, and all I can think about is having to sell all my beautiful discus which only a few days ago gave me so much joy.
My backcross juvies are looking to be the best spotteds I've bred so far, judging by the 9 bars, which at 2.5" are showing completely unconnected spots with NO striations. A first for me.
I have to get a copy of the by-laws as I can't find mine but so far, everything I've read online about the rights of condo boards says they can tell a homeowner thet their pets have to go if there have been complaints. I don't know the slightest bit about my rights as a condo owner but it doesn't look good.
What gets me is that I''ve been doing this for over three years here and they just now decided I can't do it anymore. It just really SUCKS!!!!!!!


09-19-2008, 06:54 PM
:mad::(:confused::argue::bomb::cry::flame::shocked 2::waaa:....thats about all I have to say about that. Hopefully you'll be able to find a solution to the problem.....


09-19-2008, 07:01 PM
why don't you buy a small house. or a flat?

obviously this has hurt you, and you really love what you are doing. so move away form this obstacle of moody people.

09-19-2008, 08:03 PM
So sorry to hear of your dilema.. David T

09-19-2008, 08:11 PM
Thats Royally s@Cks!!:(:(:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: can you move? I have no clue as to what your situation is here, but if these fish give you half the pleasure that I think they do, it sounds like you need to find a place that will allow you to enjoy them.. Life is breve e Dolce...short and sweet.. Don't let others tell you how to enjoy it!

Wish I could help in some way....Its rotten that you pay to own a condo and then basically lose the right to do as you please with what you own.
In some parts of this country they are so hurting for condo owners due to the housing crash that you could raise ostrich and they'd welcome you with open arms!:mad::mad::mad:


09-19-2008, 08:20 PM
That just is not right Kaceyo! Have you tried appealing it? Is there anything in your contract about fish and tank water?

09-19-2008, 08:21 PM

I totally agree with what all the others have said here. If your fish make you this happy, then they need to stay. Bottom line. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I am hoping that you can relocate easily. This is really ridiculous and pathetic!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad:
Please keep us posted.
I wish you all the best,

Gordon C. Snelling
09-19-2008, 08:27 PM
This is really too bad, Condo and hoas are totally evil and need to be abolished.

09-19-2008, 09:03 PM
We are all pulling for you. That really bites! And a 60 gal limit is rediculous....that's like saying....you are only allowed to fill your bathtub 1/6 full.....who is going to monitor that? It's a really crappy situation. I feel for you.

Anything that brings you that much joy is worth fighting for.

Prayers and good vibes are on their way!

09-19-2008, 09:25 PM
Very sorry to hear of this.

If it were me - and its not! I wouldn't try to fight this from a technical, legal, or contractual perspective - but instead from a personal level.

I would ask the board if they would agree to an appeal meeting, if so, I would also request the meeting be held at your condo. This way, you can show them your passion, explain to them what you went through to achieve the fish you have, let them hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. They are pet owners as well, make sure they know these are your pets.

But also choose your words carefully...instead of telling them you change X gallons of water a day on each tank, you might instead tell them you spend X hours a day keeping the tanks in order. Anything you could do to scale back the operation ahead of time would show initiative to a compromise and couldn't hurt.

If nothing else, at least ask for extended time to make other accommodations, that way if you choose to relocate, remove the fish, etc. you won't be rushed doing it.

Way I see it, you have nothing more to loose and still have a legal/contractual option if needed.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck,

09-19-2008, 09:35 PM
Sorry to hear this Kacey. Jim that's a good way to tackle this, I would've prob exploded on them though:o

Tropical Haven
09-19-2008, 09:45 PM
Sounds like to me that they are doing this just to piss you off. If they are worried about fish tanks in an earthquake then I guess busted water pipes in the building from it isn't a concern. I give you credit because I would march down to the board members and tell them to kiss my a$$. Sorry when it comes to me and my fish I let nothing get in the way of them, hmmm maybe thats why I was divorced once. :D:D

09-19-2008, 10:03 PM
Dang Kacey, this stinks.

Other thing....are you sure a (or few) tank with Discus are "pets" and breeding pets????

I think that's for dogs, cats, rats, snakes, etc okay but do fish really go under pets???? and I know for us they are much more as just pets, but by the rules I mean.


09-19-2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks for all your support and concern. I'm waiting for a copy of the by-laws now as my Mother was the original owner of the condo and I don't know where her copy is. I suggested to the two boardmembers (the President and Treasuror) that came by that I could scale it down and was told I could present a proposal of what I wanted to do to the board. They also said they doubted it would change anyones mind. I don't know how they came up with the 60gal limit but I'll know more when I get the copy of the by-laws. I don't see how they can tell me I can't breed fish even in a 60gal tank but I suspect that's not within there rights.
I do know they told me the insurance company had a problem with the tanks but they didn't know that I have the same insurance company the condo has and had already checked with them before setting up more than a couple of tanks.
The real problem is I don't know what my legal rights are and can't afford a lawyer. It may be that a couple of well placed letters from the right people would put a stop to all this. I would think that as a responsible homeowner I'm not completely at their mercy. I'll have to look into getting advice from someone knowledgable on these issues.
Again, thanks for the support. I'll let you know if anything changes.


Greg Richardson
09-19-2008, 11:40 PM
Kayce. Give me a call tomorrow. If not here call me on my cell.
No answer either phone there will be a tractor running here tomorrow so if I don't hear phone I'll be checking messages.

This isn't over with yet. Before you call me..............

Find out who the building is insured by. Have they changed recently?
Find bylaws or request immediate copy.
Think about how many people in your building has been in your unit?
When were they in there?
How long ago?
How many tanks at the time were running?
The unit below you where water leaked before does the same person own it?
If not how long ago was it re-occupied?

The FACT your insurance company is behind you is Huge.
This is not a liability situation as they want to portray it when you have your insurance company covering it, this is a personality situation where people who have nothing better to do with their life want to control others.
These are the type of people who have no joy in their own life.
They try to obtain joy be manipulation and intimidation of others.
I'm very familiar with these kind of people.
Get info together.

Once we discuss it I have someone that is the best in the business when you are in the right at lets just say convincing them it's in their best interest to cease and desist with the threatening letters, etc.

If you decide to go to him the best way to do it is to be totally organized with all paperwork and events in order. Then sit down and watch this genius work.
He truly is a joy to watch take your info, analyze it, and then tell you where you stand and why, and what is going to happen etc.

He has never failed me.

09-20-2008, 12:06 AM
Good luck Kacey - sometimes there are some stupid rules made for/ because of stupid people and then the rest of us (who are not stupid) have to suffer!!!


09-20-2008, 12:27 AM
kaceyo,I have watched your posts and your fish for quite a while and you have really been into this ,and you have been doing quite a fine job, some really nice fish.But sorry to say you are screwed .Condo dwelling is a whole world in its self.I have done quite a lot of dealings with condo people and businesses in the state of Florida ,you are lucky they even let you have a fish tank,especially after a leak.Condos and fish keepers do not mix ,you are a risk with tanks full of water that can pop apart at any given time [this is their reasoning and it has happened before]being a breeder really has nothing to do with it ,it is the fact you have tanks full of water , and at any given time something could go terribly wrong, and it has happened before and that is why those old cronies and people that have nothing better to do have a leg to stand on.I know it sucks and moving in the dilemma that the country is in now is a hard bone to bite ,but get the hell out of Condo living,no offense but I cant figure why the hell anybody would want to live in a place that is regulated by rules and regulations that can tell you how to live.I guess Condos do have a place for the old and compliant {I ain't no spring chicken}but not for the young or old free spirit people that want to live under a free American society,Condos are good for some, winter/summer /retired/rich/celebrities/ guests.But for people wanting a home and hobby and freedom to do as they please this is a bad mix .I guess out of this you can see my disdain for the Condos ,they are killing Florida!!!!

If you need some help in moving your fish or selling let me know. I have a bunch of open tanks right now willing to work something out so you will not lose them .I know I am a long way away but if you cant get help closer let me know, and good luck.

09-20-2008, 09:09 AM
That stinks Kacey, hope you can work something out.

09-20-2008, 01:10 PM
Good luck Kacey - sometimes there are some stupid rules made for/ because of stupid people and then the rest of us (who are not stupid) have to suffer!!!


That stinks Kacey, hope you can work something out.

Thanks guys, I can only agree.


09-20-2008, 01:18 PM
Hey Kacey, this keeps bugging me! How in the world did they come up with the 60g and the breeding part!
Could you at least keep a 40g and 20g tank?

Good luck with this man, give them .... :flame:

09-20-2008, 01:28 PM
Kayce. Give me a call tomorrow. If not here call me on my cell.
No answer either phone there will be a tractor running here tomorrow so if I don't hear phone I'll be checking messages.

This isn't over with yet. Before you call me..............

Find out who the building is insured by. Have they changed recently?
Find bylaws or request immediate copy.
Think about how many people in your building has been in your unit?
When were they in there?
How long ago?
How many tanks at the time were running?
The unit below you where water leaked before does the same person own it?
If not how long ago was it re-occupied?

The FACT your insurance company is behind you is Huge.
This is not a liability situation as they want to portray it when you have your insurance company covering it, this is a personality situation where people who have nothing better to do with their life want to control others.
These are the type of people who have no joy in their own life.
They try to obtain joy be manipulation and intimidation of others.
I'm very familiar with these kind of people.
Get info together.

Once we discuss it I have someone that is the best in the business when you are in the right at lets just say convincing them it's in their best interest to cease and desist with the threatening letters, etc.

If you decide to go to him the best way to do it is to be totally organized with all paperwork and events in order. Then sit down and watch this genius work.
He truly is a joy to watch take your info, analyze it, and then tell you where you stand and why, and what is going to happen etc.

He has never failed me.

kaceyo,I have watched your posts and your fish for quite a while and you have really been into this ,and you have been doing quite a fine job, some really nice fish.But sorry to say you are screwed .Condo dwelling is a whole world in its self.I have done quite a lot of dealings with condo people and businesses in the state of Florida ,you are lucky they even let you have a fish tank,especially after a leak.Condos and fish keepers do not mix ,you are a risk with tanks full of water that can pop apart at any given time [this is their reasoning and it has happened before]being a breeder really has nothing to do with it ,it is the fact you have tanks full of water , and at any given time something could go terribly wrong, and it has happened before and that is why those old cronies and people that have nothing better to do have a leg to stand on.I know it sucks and moving in the dilemma that the country is in now is a hard bone to bite ,but get the hell out of Condo living,no offense but I cant figure why the hell anybody would want to live in a place that is regulated by rules and regulations that can tell you how to live.I guess Condos do have a place for the old and compliant {I ain't no spring chicken}but not for the young or old free spirit people that want to live under a free American society,Condos are good for some, winter/summer /retired/rich/celebrities/ guests.But for people wanting a home and hobby and freedom to do as they please this is a bad mix .I guess out of this you can see my disdain for the Condos ,they are killing Florida!!!!

If you need some help in moving your fish or selling let me know. I have a bunch of open tanks right now willing to work something out so you will not lose them .I know I am a long way away but if you cant get help closer let me know, and good luck.

This is the kind of both sides of the fence advice I've been getting. While both sides are honestly trying to help, and I do really appreciate it, I'm thinking my situation falls somewhere in between. At least I hope I'm not totaly screwed but I'm willing to work with them if they'll be reasonable.
Greg, I'm working on getting a copy of the By-Laws and will call the insurance co on Monday to verify that I'm not up against them in this. If I can get some legal advice from an attorny that would of course be great.
I think if I can keep two 50g tanks and one 29 I'll still be able to do some breeding although it will limit my options in the extreme. I do want to try my hand at those albino's.
As for buying a house, I do have a fair amount of equity built up but I'm on a fixed income (S.S.) so I'm not sure If I could afford it or even get a loan. I'll have to talk to the bank and mortgage people to find out. I've always been very good at working with animals, but people? that's entirely different:confused:.
Thanks so much,


Kenny's Discus
09-20-2008, 01:41 PM
I'm so sry Kacey this is just so unfair, as we all know you've worked very hard trying to breed your line of spotteds for quite some time now!:mad: I sincerely hope you can get the situation resolved so that you can continue doing what you've enjoyed which is to breed the best looking spotted discus possible. Hang in there my friend!


09-20-2008, 02:00 PM
I am so sorry to hear this Kacey, it just isn't fair that other people poke their noses in.I really hope it all works out for you. Do you have anywhere else where you could temporarily house them?

Good luck bud.


09-20-2008, 04:04 PM
I have a little feeling that Greg's guy will save the day for you, Kacey. I sure hope so. Good luck.

09-20-2008, 05:40 PM
There you go!..please seek some help from someone who knows. It's really ridiculous that there are people in the world who have nothing else better than to make others miserable. The possibility of having to deal with crap-heads like these were the original reason why my partner and I turned from thinking about a condo to actually getting a house...I take no crap from any of my neighbors, and they know it. The best of luck and wishes to you. mike

09-22-2008, 12:26 AM
After flooding out my downstairs neighbors several times when I owned a 3rd floor condo, I thought that I'd have to remove the small hatchery I had going some years back. The condo board looked at my set up of 24 tanks ranging from 10 to 100 gallons, and determined that as long as I had insurance there was nothing they could do. The funny thing was that I never had a problem with the people I flooded. Someone else had a problem with it.


09-22-2008, 01:07 AM
When I had a 125 gal reef tank set up in my second floor apt in Edmonds, directly over the manager's apt they told me I had to take it down. I told them that the structural engineers at work told me the structure could support it so I wouldn't be taking it down. I heard a few grumbles but they eventually accepted the situation.

Then we had an earthquake of about 4.5 and that did give me pause. I considered the possibilities. It was a plexiglass tank so the enclosed top piece afforded a little constraint on how much water slopped out but I did not take the tank down.

Houses are cheap in Eastern WA. I am in much the same position as you, SS/fixed income.
And we rarely have quakes on the Eastside. Maybe you should become a "509 er?"

Darren's Discus
09-22-2008, 01:26 AM
Kayce. Give me a call tomorrow. If not here call me on my cell.
No answer either phone there will be a tractor running here tomorrow so if I don't hear phone I'll be checking messages.

This isn't over with yet. Before you call me..............

Find out who the building is insured by. Have they changed recently?
Find bylaws or request immediate copy.
Think about how many people in your building has been in your unit?
When were they in there?
How long ago?
How many tanks at the time were running?
The unit below you where water leaked before does the same person own it?
If not how long ago was it re-occupied?

The FACT your insurance company is behind you is Huge.
This is not a liability situation as they want to portray it when you have your insurance company covering it, this is a personality situation where people who have nothing better to do with their life want to control others.
These are the type of people who have no joy in their own life.
They try to obtain joy be manipulation and intimidation of others.
I'm very familiar with these kind of people.
Get info together.

Once we discuss it I have someone that is the best in the business when you are in the right at lets just say convincing them it's in their best interest to cease and desist with the threatening letters, etc.

If you decide to go to him the best way to do it is to be totally organized with all paperwork and events in order. Then sit down and watch this genius work.
He truly is a joy to watch take your info, analyze it, and then tell you where you stand and why, and what is going to happen etc.

He has never failed me.
sounds like a great option,Nice work Greg. Don't always believe what others tell you is gospel ! all the best.


09-22-2008, 01:28 AM
OMG Kacey! I should never read thread's!!! What a headache!....This happenned to a friend of mine a while back and he ended up renting a space to keep the hobby going!.....Goodluck!!!, maybe u can persuade them that you will make some design changes to your system so that if the tanks fail all the water will be channeled to a drain! ;)....How about double containment?

take care,

09-22-2008, 09:30 AM
Very tough situation Kacey, one of many reasons I'd never consider that type living arrangement (at least 'til my mind goes anyway)....one other thing to keep in mind, esp for temporary purposes: a tank by any name can be a very sturdy trash can with cover, or few of those 50g white barrels that would never leak..they can even be turned on the side, cut in 3/4 size & house lotsa fish....keep your chin up....maybe there'll be help somewhere yet....

Mat & Sandeep have good ideas...go for it....Call Greg.....


09-22-2008, 11:46 AM
sorry to hear..theres lots of houses right now that are about to be delinguent mortgages..receivership. maybe you can find one to take over a mortgage that someone is losing ? how about plexi tanks?
i had a hose in my 100 gallon..and it backflowed when i was on the 5th floor of a co-op. it wastn good. my shop vac helped alot..got it up pretty quick. told them it was my defective toilet which had flooded before..not sure they believed me..as they heard water running and saw the tanks. but i got away with the whole thing. so i do know the risk..and consequences.
i hope it all works out for you. give gregs guy a chance..i hope he can help you.
keep us posted. you do work magic with your fish.

09-22-2008, 01:07 PM
Sorry, what a bummer. Check out your paperwork to fine out what kind of legal rights you
might have. I have been on both sides of the fence and it's not pretty. This is going to
really put a kink on your breeding program.


09-22-2008, 02:54 PM
Thanks for all the advice, it's good just to know I'm not alone in all this, though it does feel that way at times. I am still waiting for the condo board president to get home after being gone all weekend so I can get a copy of the by-laws. Not much I can do untill then.
Mat, that's a very interesting story. Didn't the board try to levy fines against you or threaten you with by-law's or in some other manner? I really wish the board here had come to the same conclusion as yours did. Maybe I can just refuse but I know they would start throwing fines my way. I talked to a lawyer and he said basicly it comes down to what's in the by-laws. If there are specific rules against breeding pets as they suggested or limiting the amount of water on the floor, they can enforce those bylaws legaly.
Ill keep everyone posted when I know more and thanks so much for your support.


phat nguyen
09-22-2008, 03:51 PM
Hello to all SIMPLY 's MEMBERS...

Can we all chip in some money to OUR FRIEND, so he can seek some professional advice on this dire situation.We can write /send the check to BREW MASTER and he can forward all this LOVE to Kacey....
This is just my humble opinion/realistic idea.
Please let us know if this might help with the situation...

Perry Nguyen

09-25-2008, 03:16 PM
Total Crap. I do not think they can do this to you the way they seem to be wording it. However if they decided it was in the best interest of the community to add a clause that said noone can have more than 60 gallons of aquarium water in a unit I'm not sure there is anything you can do. Condo boards, and housing communities for that matter, have the power to make some pretty stupid rules for their tenants. Have you tried calling around to a few lawyer offices that work with housing and condo issues? even if you can't afford to have them represent you might be able to get some free or cheap advice on what your opinions are and what rights the board actually has. Either way I think you should not just give up and give in or make any compromises without knowing what legal rights the board has to do this to you.

09-25-2008, 03:47 PM
Hi Valic,
From the research I've done on the internet I don't believe thay can write new bylaws to cover individual situations as they come up. I have the number of a lawyer that gives a free consultation visit that I'm going to take the bylaws to and hopefully get some firm answeres to my questions. I'm not going to just sit back and let it happen.
It's very difficult to admit to but I have been fighting with depression most of my life and I was thrown when they first hit me with this. But this is just too important to me to let it go unchallanged.
Thanks for your encouragment,


Elite Aquaria
09-25-2008, 05:19 PM

I hope this gets worked out...You have done a great job with your spotted program and I know if you don't give up hope things will work out for you.

09-25-2008, 05:46 PM

I hope this gets worked out...You have done a great job with your spotted program and I know if you don't give up hope things will work out for you.

Thanks Dan. I appreciate the support.


09-25-2008, 06:09 PM
i hate condos for the fact that they have their monthly gossip bs session meetings b*tch about ridiculous things because they have no lives.. then they have the condo president that take the president title too literally walk around like they big shots ..lol sorry to hear about this mess you might be happier in your living situation if you just moved.my father was the super of a condo once for short time they voted him out and mind you my pops is total opposite from me very nice polite very friendly and still voted out !! ,,its like living in gulligans island with bunch dumb dumbs in charge..

09-25-2008, 11:19 PM
Hey Kasey...I feel for ya bud! I was put in a similar situation myself. I opted to move. I have been following the thread, and you've recieved some great advice! I cant add to the great replies you have gotten so far, but I just wanted to jump on the support bandwagon and hope it all works out for you! I know how much the discus were are part of your life!


09-26-2008, 12:40 AM
Yeah that was what I was getting at I'm pretty sure they can't make any rules that single out an owner and I doubt they can tell you you can't breed fish out of your condo. Only thing you might have trouble with is if they decide to put a limit on all condos for aquarium sizes. Anyways the lawyers will know more than me so I hope everything goes well when you talk them I'm sure you'll keep us posted:) I had a buddy who owned two townhouses out in Lake Stevens that he bought to rent out, when all of a sudden one day the townhouse board decided they didn't want renters so they voted and passed a no renting clause. They couldn't force his current tenants to move out but he was unable to rent it anyone new if they did move out and he ended up having to sell them for a loss, insane what they allow some of these boards to tell you what you can and can't do with something you own.

09-26-2008, 01:27 AM
Sorry to hear about your situation!:mad:
What happened to the life in American?-Work hard,own a residence & do what you want(as long as it's legal & not affecting anyone else!).
We've never chatted about your fish ,but like so many others on here-I've certainally been impressed by your success breeding & beautiful Discus pic's.
I know moving is easier said than done, but sometimes you gotta hold onto a dream/desire & not let anyone pry it away from you!
Keep the faith... occasionally right does win out!
Be sure to keep us posted on battle with the condo board.

09-26-2008, 07:49 AM
It's very difficult to admit to but I have been fighting with depression most of my life and I was thrown when they first hit me with this. But this is just too important to me to let it go unchallanged.


Hang in there Kacey! Where there is a will there is a way. Remember that;) ~

Seems you were about due to fight a good fight? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_2_62.gif

09-26-2008, 08:07 AM
That's too bad. You've come a long way and were soon to become the spotted master of the USA!!

09-26-2008, 11:52 AM
Kacey, I am so sorry to hear this is happening. I don't have anything to say that hasn't been said other than, "Come and Get Them!!!":D:D Seriously though I hope that everything works out ok.


Autumn Wind
09-26-2008, 07:57 PM
I'm just curious how they intend to enforce this new bylaw if you simply do not comply?
Kacey I have floor space in my basement if you need a tempory place for a tank. (I'm in Seatac)

09-26-2008, 08:40 PM
Well, I'm still waiting for a copy of the bylaws I asked for. Nothing to be done till I get it.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has posted offering advice, insight and encouragment.
Hector, It seems to me the friendly nice guy types don't do well in these situations. You're taken more seriously if you're loud, over opinionated and pushy.
Brian, Thanks for the compliment, but it might be a stretch.:D
Vanessa, that's very generous of you to offer space in your home. I need to keep my fish closer than that but I'm gratefull for the offer. If you see a guy with bags of fish in his hand knocking on your door, you'll know I changed my mind.
Thanks to all,


10-01-2008, 01:39 PM
Hey Kacey, any news/changes????


10-01-2008, 05:14 PM
Hi Dottie,
I have a copy of the bylaws now and the relevent rule says:

"No animals, including livestock,domestic animals, poultry, reptiles or living animals of any kind, but excluding dogs, cats or other reasonably acceptible household pets, shall be raised, bred or keptin any apartmentor in the common or limited common areas, whether as pets or otherwise. Dogs, cats or other reasonablyacceptible pets may be raised, bred or kept in the apartments ifspecifically authorized by two thirds (2/3) vote of the association. In the event that the association authorizes dogs, cats or otherwise reasonabley acceptible houshold pets, the board may at anytime require the removal of any dog, cat...which it finds, in it's sole discretion, is unreasonably disturbing other ownersand may excersice this authority for specific animals even though other similar animals are permited to remain"

So....what this all means legaly I'm not sure of. I have an appointment for a consultation with an attorny late next week so maybe he'll be able to shed some light on this for me. He's not a condo law specialist but at least I can get his opinion on my situation.
The complaints were about water spilling and a pump making noise, not a loud or troublesome pet, so that may or may not make a difference. And I have installed high level alarms in the aging barrels (they are what overflowed) and can put them in every tank for that matter.
Another owner here cut a 6'x6' hole in the roof and installed a 3.5' high skylight without permission , which was a big lawbreaking situation, and the board did nothing because the hole had already been cut before they knew about it. So I know having a law in the books and being able to enforce it are two different things in some cases.
I'll post again when I know something more about it.
Thanks for asking Dottie,


10-01-2008, 05:44 PM
I really feel horible about this entire ordeal but according to the by-law thing...

"No animals, including livestock,domestic animals, poultry, reptiles or living animals of any kind,

We humens, are a species called "homo sapiens" and whichby declares we are "living animals", that being said, the board is being crueler then animals to do such a thing!
And since the people against you are "acting like animals" then they shouldn't be allowed to be even going against you...
And discus are more then animals, they're a commitment, just like all other relationships...


10-07-2008, 04:18 PM
Been thinking about this for a while now and after reading you last have a suggestion.... maybe the thing to do here is address their cited concerns...which you have done a little with the water alarms....

The complaints were about water spilling and a pump making noise, not a loud or troublesome pet, so that may or may not make a difference. And I have installed high level alarms in the aging barrels (they are what overflowed) and can put them in every tank for that matter.

I would offer a compromise to address the complaints...

The pump can be replaced with a small linear piston pump...Jehmco has one thats virtually soundless...I have the LPH60 here...The LPH 45 should work well for you and for water pumps..there are quiet ones there...

As for water spilling and water damage...you have an insurance policy for the condo that you mentioned already...I would go one further..pick up a blanket Liability policy or umbrella policy as well...If you cover yourself and the condo association like this they should be satisfied.

If you specifically address each of their concerns..It should make it possible to work things out unless they are unreasonable and as such the only thing that will work is lawyer action.

in the bylaws..

but excluding dogs, cats or other reasonably acceptible household pets, shall be raised, bred or keptin any apartmentor in the common or limited common areas, whether as pets or otherwise. Dogs, cats or other reasonablyacceptible pets may be raised, bred or kept in the apartments ifspecifically authorized by two thirds (2/3) vote of the association.

Aquarium fish are a reasonably acceptible household pet and have been for many many years...

I think something that you may want to do as well is write up the complaints and address them with facts and then circulate the letter to all your condo Association... Then hold an open house for the association members to see what this is really about in person at your home....maybe have a petition there for them to sign if they want to support you in this after they learn the facts.

Hth Kacey and hope that it works out...keep us posted.


10-07-2008, 06:23 PM
Hi Al.
I have actually already replaced the circulation pump in the barrel with an airstone. I did that after trying a few other options such as lifting the pump off the bottom and placing a matt under the barrel to absorbe the vibrations, neither of which worked. I have been working on these problems as they come up to keep the neighbors happy.
I dug out the letter that my downstairs neighbor gave me last time (the "wet spot on my rug" spill) and he says in it that the original BIG spill, which caused insurance companies to be called, happened over two years ago (for what that's worth) and that he didn't mind what I was doing in my unit, except that it affected him.
The overflow alarms will put a stop to those once every year or two "oops" spills that happen when I just plain forget I have the water running.
I think your insurance idea is a good one. It's something I should be able to afford if I dropped a couple of cable channels :confused: and would hopefully ease a few minds on the water damage issue.
I am planning on presenting my case to the condo board, which has the only people that would get to have a say in this, so I'm not sure how much good a petition to the other owners would be. The board would vote on it again after I state my case. But I will have a written statmnt of the facts around each issue as I see them and have a chance to answer any questions that come up.
I just hope that they are reasonable and open minded about it.
I also have an appt with a (free) lawyer this Thursday to get a legal opinion on the matter. I want to find out, for one, what they could do (if my request is denied) if I just say "NO, I aint gonna do it"! My last resort :D
Thanks Al for taking the time to mull this over. I do appreciate it.


10-07-2008, 06:52 PM
Our thoughts are with you and we wish you all the best with this. :)

I agree that it is worth fighing for. As someone who has also had struggles with depression I can imagine how devistating it would be to have to drastically change something that brings you so much joy. Stay with it, we are with you in spirit... :)

10-07-2008, 08:18 PM

No, I never heard another word from them about the amount of tanks that I had there. I lived there for 7 years, and actually served on the board for a few years, one as the VP ;) .


12-04-2008, 12:25 PM
Any luck Kacey?
