View Full Version : Cloudy Eye

09-24-2008, 12:16 AM
This is my 1st post.

Last week i bought 2 beautiful 3 inch discus, but realized that both of them have a bit cloudy on the center of the left eye.

I guess these fishes must have been mishandled but the retailers.

Anyway its in a 10 gallon Quarantine, with few drops of methylene blue
& yesterday i added a tablespoon of marine salt.
Do a daily 40% water change.
Feeding them with frozen blood worms soaked in garlic juice.
They are slow eaters compared to the discus i have in my community tank.

Question is am i doing anything wrong? Just scared to loose these beautiful fishes.


09-24-2008, 08:40 AM
Poor Water quality can lead to cloudy eyes in some cases, and that should clear up on its own with good water.

There are cases where the eye is damaged in handling and netting and that too often clears up on its own....

As long as the Cloudy eyes are not getting worse, I would just give them lots of good water for now.


Don Trinko
09-24-2008, 09:21 AM
Sometimes fish rub their eye against the net or container. This can cause what looks like cloudy eye. It takes a long time to heal and meds will not help. Clean water is neccisary either way.
If it is cloudy eye and not dammage then it will probably get worse and you may need to medicate. Don T.

09-25-2008, 01:00 AM
Yesterday when i got home, one discus looked ok, but the other one..the left eye was much more cloudy & looked swollen & protruding.

I did a concentrated salt water dip for half hour & added more Methylene Blue after changing 80% water..

Do u guys think this will help... or should i be searching for some other medication.

Would formalin dip help?

Elite Aquaria
09-25-2008, 05:59 AM
I the past when ever I have had issues with cloudy eyes, Maracyn ll has done the trick in a few days. In your case, good water quality may do the trick in a few days...good luck

Don Trinko
09-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Sounds like a bacterial infection. Maracyn II Maracyn are antibiotics. Make sure you check your ammonia and nitrites. Some antibiotics will weaken your biofilter. Don T.