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View Full Version : R/O water --CO2???

Sandy W
09-24-2008, 10:06 AM
After installing a R/O system for our tanks (only tetras so far-- nothing expensive) we did our first major water change and found that the water was "fizzy" as though it had dissolved CO2 in it. We used this water to set up a small tank for shrimp and even after 24 hours of aeration and sea salt, the trial shrimp died quickly. Water parameters look fine by test tape. Anybody got any suggestions?

09-24-2008, 10:19 AM
how old is the R/O system, maybe it needs a few days to run or a cycle before using... i dont use R/O... sorry~

Sandy W
09-24-2008, 11:51 AM
It's been running for about a month. We have been using it to sustain 2 tanks -70 and 95 gal.

09-24-2008, 11:56 AM
hhmm crazy.... i have no idea... sorry Sandy`.. maybe someone else will chime in~.... how's the ph and stuff on the RO water.. are they normal?..


09-24-2008, 01:57 PM
Hi sandy,

i just had the exact same problem with my new HMA filters, as sone as you add the new water there are lots of tuiny are bubbles, which back the Heuy breeding filter instantly float to the top.

However i use this water in my Juvinile discus tanks, and they don't seem boothered or stresses, so i guess its not a problem.

I still strying to find out if it is CO2 or O2

cheers stephen.

Sandy W
09-25-2008, 12:08 PM
Please let me know what you find out. Our one really major water change killed all the fish! pH, Nitrates, nitrites, hardness all wnl.

Tropical Haven
09-25-2008, 12:50 PM
Sandy are you using straight RO water in your water changes? If so that is your problem.

Sandy W
09-25-2008, 04:53 PM
Water changes plus R/o conditioner or sea salt depending on the tank and desired hardness.

Don Trinko
09-25-2008, 05:22 PM
The test strips are not very accurate and most of them do not test ammonia. Shrimp are very sensative to ammonia. Most fish do not even notice .25 or .5 but it will kill most shrimp.
The liquid tests are more accurate. You will need to cycle the tank also and the ammonia produced by any method of cycling is enough to kill shrimp.
Don T.

Sandy W
09-26-2008, 09:45 AM
Surprisingly, the shrimp we added to conditioned tank water removed from our guppy tank are doing fine. The ones that died were in R/O water plus sea salt.

10-06-2008, 12:59 PM
It depends on the stages in the RO. You usually need sediment prefilter, carbon, the membrane and DI. The bubbles are likely caused by trapped air which is pressurised into the water where it comes out after leaving the high pressure of the RO system. Also, do not forget to add some minerals back to the water.

10-06-2008, 01:47 PM
Depending on how many gallons u've used it for or if it has had water stagnant in it for a long time you may need to replace the cartridges/media on the RO unit. I'd check the manufacturers website for specifics if I were you.

10-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Using just sea salt in ro water you will end up with a very low ph unless you are adding enough to make sea water!! I used to do this for my wilds, but the ph went too low!!

A new ro system should be run to waste for the first few gallons of product water to remove all of the preservative.