View Full Version : Critique My Setup

09-25-2008, 02:07 PM
I don't want to breed, just want to keep happy, healthy, colorful discus.

5 Discus in a 60 Gallon
Bristlenose Albino Pleco
Eheim with surface skimmer all biological media (rinse out every few months)
Penguin 350 with wheels and carbon removed, added Chemi-Pure Elites (replace 3 months)
Power head

15 gallon water changes once a week
100% r/o then add proper Ph6.5 and Blackwater Extract
Stored in Rubbermaid Brute for a week +

All plastic/paper plants
One piece Malaysian drift wood.
Substrate mixed gravel and Seachem Flourite

Alternate foods below....
5PM - Feed OSI Discus flake or Tetra Bits
10PM - Feed (packaged) Beef Heart, Brine Shrimp, Blood Worms, Emerald Entree

Two 48" T-5 50/50 lights


09-25-2008, 02:12 PM
Older picture...


Tropical Haven
09-25-2008, 04:56 PM
The tank looks very nice, your discus should love it.

09-25-2008, 05:19 PM
Thank you.

Any technical advise?

09-25-2008, 10:49 PM
If you dont want to breed, why waste time with RO water? I would also increase the WC's! Plastic plants dont suck up excess nutrients. Feeding BH, BW's, and BS each day will have the nitrates climbing pretty fast. I would change at least 30% each day and suck out the waste with the tank you have there.

I would also stop with all the extra additives your adding to the tank! The proper PH and the BW extract are really not needed. All that is needed is clean water. WC's will indeed give you that result... :)


09-26-2008, 12:42 AM
Watch out for those 50/50 lights. I got a lot more algae build up with those kind of lights. Once I switched to 10K, no problem. Of course it may not happen to you if the lights are on for less time, just watch it.

09-26-2008, 08:45 AM
How long have you had the tank up? Looking at the picture, I would advise moving the suction cup on your heater. Over time it will deform the plastic if you have it attached to the heated part of the heater.

09-26-2008, 12:17 PM
Thanks guys! That tank picture is old. Lots of changes since then.

If you dont want to breed, why waste time with RO water? I would also increase the WC's! Plastic plants dont suck up excess nutrients. Feeding BH, BW's, and BS each day will have the nitrates climbing pretty fast. I would change at least 30% each day and suck out the waste with the tank you have there.

I would also stop with all the extra additives your adding to the tank! The proper PH and the BW extract are really not needed. All that is needed is clean water. WC's will indeed give you that result...

Food - I don't feed those each day. I alternate them.
Tonights menu...
5pm - Color Bits
10pm - Bloodworms
tomorrow night......brine....etc...

H2O - I already use the R/O DI system for the salt water tank, no reason not to for the Discus!

Additives - Don't I need additives to the RODI water to replenish the nutrients?

30% a day? :shocked:

Watch out for those 50/50 lights. I got a lot more algae build up with those kind of lights. Once I switched to 10K, no problem. Of course it may not happen to you if the lights are on for less time, just watch it.

I have noticed an increase of algae on the glass from the lights. I will try 10k next! Thank you.

10-16-2008, 12:07 AM
what kinda discus are those? specially that one with red stripe. nice setup..

Blackwater Aquaria
10-18-2008, 11:41 AM
Older picture...


Very nice setup not over decroated and well maintained. Good luck ! Mike D. BWA:bandana:

10-18-2008, 12:05 PM
you should do 30% twice a week min....

White Worm
10-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Yes, If you use 100% RO, you should add something back but if you just used tap water, you wouldnt have to waste all that time, money and effort for really no gain. Clean conditioned water....50-80% w/c 1-2x a week and clean foods make for a simple equation and more enjoyment. Take all that storage time, chemical adding time, testing and worrying and transfer that to your w/c time and you will find yourself sitting in front of the tank watching them more.