View Full Version : Juvee's feeding not enough or to much

09-26-2008, 01:17 PM
My little pigs 3 - 3.5" juvees will eat all day long if I let them, but I know over feeding is almost as bad as under feeding.
I feed them 5 times a day with frozen & flake.

How do you know when you giving enough at each feeding.

09-26-2008, 01:49 PM
By seeing their bellies swell up after having a good meal.Just my 2 cents.




My little pigs 3 - 3.5" juvees will eat all day long if I let them, but I know over feeding is almost as bad as under feeding.
I feed them 5 times a day with frozen & flake.

How do you know when you giving enough at each feeding.

09-26-2008, 02:46 PM
I agree. I like seeing my fishes bellies swell after feeding, and then be normal by the next feeding time.

09-26-2008, 04:27 PM
What about when you have 7 fish and 3 hi fin blue diamonds are great eaters non stop and the other 4 red spotted greens eat very good but not to the extent where they get the beer belly.
They would probably get there if the other 3 were not such pigs.
I'm afraid the pigs are eating to much.
Should I separate them ( tank divider ) when feeding for a few days and see if the slower eaters catch up?
Should I just not worry about it.

It's not like any of the fish are starving by any means.

09-26-2008, 06:39 PM
I would not suggest seperating or splitting them. Discus have a pecking order that how it is in pretty much all tanks. You say your other ones are still eating good and with 5 a day feedings I would not be worried your guys are not getting enough food.

09-26-2008, 08:21 PM
If you are feeding them frozen stuff like FBW then juse start out with one cube and watch them eat. If they eat it all then all is good. Alot of little feedings like that is better than over feeding all the time. IMO Watch your fish, you will learn how much they can eat as they grow and how fast they eat each different food source you feed them.

09-26-2008, 08:34 PM
It's really funny. The 3 Blue Diamonds Stuff out like pigs. The red spoted greens eat slower but get chubby. There just different type eaters.
I have friends that if you eat with them you don't want to have your hands near them as you might loose a finger. Myself, I take along time to eat as I enjoy it.
Same with the fishies.

I'm feeding them Frozen Bloodworms, Omega Color flake & Veggie, Spectrum Thera A+A

For treats frozen Beef hearts & Brine shrimp.
They eat it all.