View Full Version : Medicating

09-27-2008, 07:14 PM
Should i do any medication treatment even if there not sick. Like for worms?

White Worm
09-28-2008, 02:26 AM
You may hear a few different opinions here on this one. Most dont medicate unless there is a reason to do it (great idea). Some put all their discus through an initial deworming, fluke, etc treatment when they get them. All discus have bugs but as long as their immune systems are fine, they will be able to fight off illness. Keeping there environment clean is the best and first ongoing treatment you should consider. However, I have lost a few discus in the past with little explanation so I will medicate their food with Geltek PX(metro, prazi) for a week every six months or so just to keep the bug numbers down because I believe most things start internal and then it is hard to catch/treat until it is too late (especially if you dont know what to look for). Again, clean water is your first prophylactic treatment....especially if you have limited experience with discus or certain meds. JMO