View Full Version : my fish are spawning!! already?

10-01-2008, 06:38 PM
wow. I just got these fish a little while ago and a pair is already popping out eggs. :)

my big pigeon blood male and my big german red turquoise female decided to spawn today. I saw them cleaning the driftwood this morning, then just as I was leaving for work a few minutes ago, I saw the eggs.

question is, would it be worth raising fry from this pair? do they ever turn out decent? if not, I'll just let them do their thing in the display and let nature take it's course.

here are some pictures:





10-01-2008, 06:40 PM
oh yeah, I noticed the Hans santarem and alenquer looking like they might want to pair up. do you think fry from those would be worth raising?

10-03-2008, 08:36 PM
oh yeah, I noticed the Hans santarem and alenquer looking like they might want to pair up. do you think fry from those would be worth raising?


I sell a lot of them at the moment, mostly to people who are a little longer in the Discus.
It's something I noticed lately, people in the first say 3 to 5 years go for all the fancy new colors, the more experienced people are all looking for wild looking Alenquers, Santarems and Brilliants (most sold Discus at the moment) Red Turquoise, Red Scribbled, Cobalts and Flachen (more greenish)


10-09-2008, 10:28 PM
well...I got bad news and good news and really bad news.

the eggs from that spawn disappeared. but that is what I expected. the good news is that my alenquer and santarem spawned. they are constantly fighting off a brilliant turquoise that seems to want to join in. :)

the really bad news is that the big red turk that is in the pictures was dead this morning. it was doing well last night, but it was dead this morning. I have no idea why. water checked out fine and all the other fish are doing great.

oh well. it gives me an excuse to go out and find a replacement. :) my quarantine tank is finally empty again since I got rid of all the baby tropheus so I need a new victim...er...resident to stick in there. :)