View Full Version : HELP!!!! Discus Dying!!

10-03-2008, 12:10 PM
Hello to everyone...

Last week I purchased some discus... It seems they were sick. Although I had them in quarentine, due to managing problems the desease has spread through several of my tanks... At this point I just donīt know waht else to do!!!!!!!!

It all starts like this. The first day the discus fries seem to have a white borders in their fins. The nex day they all have their fins with white ends clapped to their boddies. Their color star turning black. The third day something like a velvet (whitish cover) starts covering their bodies and their fins start to rot. Then the fries stop eating, they all group together in one of the tankīs edges... They become like lazy and start laying in the tankīs bottom. The forth day the discus star dying....

I thought I had a velvet or oodinium desease. I medicated them to cure these sickness... But nothing has worked. Iīve been treating them with salt (4 gr/lt). Nothing.
Parasite Clear (Jungle Labs). Nothing at all
Aquarisol. Not working...
Melafix. Not working either.

I started with this problem a week ago, and lost some fries by now... Here are some pictures that can help:

First day:


Second Day:


Third Day (note the rotted fins and how thin they are at this point):


I hope someone may help!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! Iīll wait for you useful advices.

Thanks to all,


10-04-2008, 04:51 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubles....when I had similar symptoms I treated with Maracyn and Maracyn two.....

How long have you had these fish?
What is your water change schedule?
What temp are you keeping them at?
What are you feeding them?
Howlong has the tank been set up?
What are your parameters? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)

More info will be needed before someone can truly help.

For now at least daily water changes are probably in order.

10-06-2008, 04:57 PM
Hello, itīs seams the bacteriaīs name afecting my fish is Chinodella... Got any cures for it? Thanks!!

10-06-2008, 05:06 PM
It may or may not be the bug you mention, but I would certainly go with some sort of external parasite. I would try and get hold of some potassium permanganate and use that. I use it as described here http://www.bidka.org/pp1.shtml

Greg Richardson
10-06-2008, 05:09 PM
Iīve been treating them with salt (4 gr/lt). Nothing.
Parasite Clear (Jungle Labs). Nothing at all
Aquarisol. Not working...
Melafix. Not working either.

I started with this problem a week ago, and lost some fries by now... Here are some pictures that can help:

I'm not here to tell you what your problem is but I will tell you what I know for sure. Once you start a med do the whole dose no matter if it's working or not. Reason is it might be second or third day before it actually works. When you jump from one to the next you can be skipping over the one that works. You'll never know though when you jumping. I know it's hard not to when one sees their fish going bad.

10-06-2008, 06:21 PM
Hello, itīs seams the bacteriaīs name afecting my fish is Chinodella... Got any cures for it? Thanks!!

1st off Chil is a protozoan parasite and not a bacteria...2nd how do you know that's what you've got. Did you use a microscope, it looks like a fuzzy onion swimming around? The symptoms that you discribe could be oodinium, or costia also.

Chilodonella is a parasite that likes colder water and kills very quick...I doubt very much that's what you've got.

I agree with Greg here 100% too....you've given the meds no chance to cure anything. And unless you've done some major water changes between thos meds and salt is a meds too then the fish are in a chemical soup.

The PP should work if the dosages are followed but before you start them the mechanicla filter needs to be cleaned and the water needs some major changes.