View Full Version : Discus newbie

10-05-2008, 12:49 AM
So i'm new to discus fish. I got my first pair this morning. I spent most of the day acclimating them. When I last checked they seem to have settled in pretty well. Anything to watch for in the first week or two?

*Polka dots roc*
10-05-2008, 11:26 AM
Hi Welcome to simply.:)
I'm not an expert but I would say watch that their feces is brown not white and that they are eating. Also that they show no other signs of sickness. Other than that I'd say enjoy them

10-05-2008, 04:37 PM
They didn't eat this morning which really isn't surprising as I only got them yesterday afternoon. Right now they're hiding between the back of the aquarium and the driftwood I have in there not really doing anything except sitting.

*Polka dots roc*
10-05-2008, 07:27 PM
it will probably take quite a few days. How big is the tank?

10-05-2008, 09:12 PM
Most important, Is your tank fully cycled? If not your in for a rough ride my friend. How long has the tank been setup? What kind of filtration are you working with? Bare bottom or planted tank? How are you planning your water change regiments? Do you have a good storage tank and heater to age the new water for a water change? DO ALOT OF RESEARCH!. Im learning every day and im hooked on this website. I try to hang on every word i read here. Read every single piece of info possible, This will make your discus love you!
Let us know some tank parameters. Nitrates, Nitrites,Ammonia,ph.


10-05-2008, 09:53 PM
30 Gallons set up 3 months about halfway planted (20 some plants now more plants comming in 2 weeks)
Also a nice piece of driftwood in the center.
have a aquaclear 30 (i think) and an emperor 250 bio wheel and a UV Sterilizer (Helps with algae if nothing else).
I also have 4 large airstones which are on all the time for extra airation.
Temperature = 83.0 F
pH = 7.0 (Got a little wacked out today when i cleaned the emperor filter but i think i have it under control now)
nitrates = 0
nitrites = 0
ammonia = 0

I've done quite a bit of research so far and am continuing to do so.
Planning on doing water changes once a week. I change everything in the filters out once a week. (Did one today will do the other on thursday). I do however vaccum the gravel every day with an air pump operated gravel vac which pumps water through a filter floss filled bio bag. (New everyday)

Did a full water change yesterday before I put them in the tank.

Total fish in the tank:
1 Mated Pair of Discus Fish
6 Dwarf Gouramis (Stay to themselves)
5 Corrys (Which keep the substrate very clean)
1 Mated Pair Angel Fish (Couldn't care less about any of the other fish have spawned 3 times in the month i've had them)
1 Chocolate Pleco (Or so it was called at petsmart)
1 Betta Splendis (Likes to hang out in the riccia)
2 Black Skirt Tetras (Swim all over)

Been thinking about switching out the pleco for some zebra ottos haven't decided yet.

Also working on getting a barrel to age water in and a diatom filter to run 3 - 4 times per day for about an hour.

Will post pictures at some point in the future.

10-06-2008, 09:41 PM
That is a lot of fish for a 30 gallon aquarium.

10-06-2008, 10:07 PM
They're all peace full and I keep my filters well cleaned besides between the filters and the plants I haven't had any problems. I'll probably upgrade to a 75 sometime in the near future. They don't really seem to overlap much in the water column.

10-07-2008, 12:18 PM
If it's a "mated pair" I would assume they're at least 4 in. each. You've added those to a tank that was already pushing the limits. Any way you look at it, it's an overstocked tank. You will eventually have problems unless you're doing almost daily partial water changes. you may also find that Discus fish will often withdraw if there are other fish that are more assertive eaters than they are. They really should be in a 30 gallon tank by themselves. Good luck.

10-07-2008, 08:36 PM
I said I'm new to discus not new to the hobby. Trust me my tank is more than adequately taken care of.