View Full Version : Very Strange

10-12-2008, 06:09 PM
I have three discus tanks, one 50g, one 55 g, and one 75 g. After learning my lesson, I purchased all my discus from one of the sponsors here, and Happy Happy Happy. Other then the two wilds, which came from another place. All the discus are doing great, growing like weeds, NO PROBLEMS.

About 3 weeks ago, one of my Leopards in the 55g turned literally BLACK, overnight, next morning he was dead. I removed him, checked everything. Did a HUGE water change. All the other fish are doing great in that tank. I saw nothing, nothing at all on the fish, water parameters are great, all the other fish in that tank are eating happy healthy. Last night (three weeks later), the other leopard turned black, this morning he was dead. Again all the other fish in the tank are great, eating happy and healthy.

I am confused. Parameters are great, I still do a 50% water change every day, no food has changed, there was NOTHING on the two that died so fast that indicated any illness. They just turned black and died within 12 hrs.

I have wellwater, no city water, so no aging required. It just happened so fast with the two and three weeks apart, that I cannot pinpoint anything, especially since all the other fish are doing well.

Any ideas? do I just watch and see if anyting else happens? Both of the fish were the leopards, The rose reds and the yellow crystal are still in that tank and seem fine. All the other fish in the rest of the tanks are fine.

Frustrating and sad.

10-12-2008, 08:56 PM
So sorry for your loss..this is tough to take...we all know the feelings of frustration & despair this causes...sev'l questions from your description:... 1st..did you do a 6wk QT of the wilds that came from a different source??....2nd...when you examined the fish, did you do a necropsy with a microscope & look for parasites or organ damage?? 3rd.. did you contact the sponsor & ask for help?....it can be difficult to determine the cause in these instances....


10-13-2008, 07:01 AM
So sorry for your loss..this is tough to take...we all know the feelings of frustration & despair this causes...sev'l questions from your description:... 1st..did you do a 6wk QT of the wilds that came from a different source??....2nd...when you examined the fish, did you do a necropsy with a microscope & look for parasites or organ damage?? 3rd.. did you contact the sponsor & ask for help?....it can be difficult to determine the cause in these instances....


Dottie, Thank you. These tanks have been running since Jan/Feb and have been accupied with fish since March, 7 discus in one, 6 in another and the two wilds in their own. No new fish have been introduced. They have been growing and thriving since I got them, no problems with the routine. The two leopards had grown to more then 5 inches, and all seemed well. Decievingly well, I guess. It happened so fast.When the first Leopard turned dark and died within 12 hours of turning dark 3 weeks ago, I thought it was one of those things that sometimes happen. He never went off his food, so I had nop warning other then the dark turning and then it went fast. I did a big waterchange, and continued with the routine, keeping an eye on everything. All seemed fine until saturday evening, when the second Leopard suddenly blackened and was dead by Sunday morning. I don't have a microscope to see what was going on, but with the naked eye, I could not see anything unusual about either of them.

I am now concerned about the remaining 4 Discus in the tank. They range from 5" to 6.5" and seem to be okay for now. :(

10-13-2008, 06:42 PM
This happened unbelievably FAST. It is very hard to pinpoint out these kinds of mishappenings with such a short amount of time to solve puzzels like these. Usually theres some leway here. All I can suggest is to monitor your remaining discus and make no drastic changes to your current routine. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

10-13-2008, 07:20 PM
I am watching. and worried. All are fine and eating well, acting normal. Yes this was very strange, to say the least

10-14-2008, 04:17 PM
I couldn't tell you either, but I can say that a few months ago I noticed that one of my bigger and definetely stronger discus didn't eat the last 2 meals of the day (was fine earlier and days before), the next morning it had large black patches all over and was dead.........nothing new introduced, no waterchanges that day, nothing..........all fish have been healthy since..........who knows??........It happens I guess

10-14-2008, 06:36 PM
yes, it was weird. I am wondering, since it was both the leopards that died so fast, and the other fish, the yellow and the three red rose are doing just fine, if maybe that means that the leopards aren't as robust?

Something got them and got them quick, whatever it was. I will just keep an eye on the rest, that is all I can do.

It's hard loosing these fish when one has been so diligent with the proper care and watch them grow out from Juvies to their huge size, and then BAM!

10-14-2008, 07:21 PM
Ok definately something going on in that tank. Remaining Discus are fine tonight, but one of the 3 Corys has a read bulging red eye tonight. The only other tank inhabitants are 6 Rummy nosed tetras, the three corys, a few Albino BN, and then of course the Discus. Something is going on for sure. I hate to medicate, but are there any suggestions?

10-14-2008, 07:34 PM
Look for something toxic in your water. Some ideas.... maybe something plastic that is not meant to be in water. Something metal maybe. It sounds like some kind of organ failure though. I changed out a complete bio chamber for a 1000g system. The bio chamber was a rubbermaid product meant for storing clothes and such. I lost one hugh tangerine in a matter of hrs. No problems since the change. Ed