View Full Version : Can you mix domestic and imported discus?

10-14-2008, 09:28 AM
Here's my situation: I have a 110 planted tank with cardinal tetras, 3 clown loaches and 3 bristlenose plecos. A week ago I got 3 pigeon blood discuses that are about 3-4". I've been told that I need to hurry up and get more, which I was planning. I have 2 sources: I can buy from my LFS (where I got the other 3), QT them in a 30 gallon for a month but that'll mean they won't be introduced into the main tank until the end of November. Or, I can buy Wayne Ng discuses from a distributor who lives close by. My thought is that since that's all he sells, they're kind of quarantined anyway so I wouldn't have to QT them and I can introduce them quickly to my pigeon bloods. I'm not really sure the best route to go. Can you mix domestic and imported (someone told me not to), and which route should I go with buying more fish? This is my first time posting, so thanks for any help..:)

10-14-2008, 10:00 AM
Always wise in my view to quarantine new fish . Not sure why some one would tell you that you need to hurry and add more. If your planted tank is co2 injected I will assume you have it under proper control to prevent ph swings otherwise cardinals would have probably been the first to show negative reactions. That ph difference would be the only thing i would worry about in regards to imported verses domestic fish. Does the person who distributes for importer keep the fish in ph similar to what your source water is? Or do you use r/o tap mix? In any event quarantine in my view would be wise and could allow you to acclimate them with less stress?

10-14-2008, 11:01 AM
Or, I can buy Wayne Ng discuses from a distributor who lives close by. My thought is that since that's all he sells, they're kind of quarantined anyway so I wouldn't have to QT them and I can introduce them quickly to my pigeon bloods.

Diann ~ always QT...always!! "like the devil himself gave them to you".....okay?

Patience is the key with these fish ~ and there is NO patience when things go wrong and all is sick, trust me...

Good Luck!

Tropical Haven
10-14-2008, 01:49 PM
Patience is the key with these fish ~ and there is NO patience when things go wrong and all is sick, trust me...

Good Luck!

Amen to this statement!!

10-14-2008, 05:06 PM
My experience, I didn't qt one discus and i got hex. but it was my fist set of discus. now I look to see if there healthy and watch them for some time. I have 3 different ages from 3 different batches never had an issue.

Question is are you breeding them, and are you willing to take the risk. id get the fish from the local breeder, because they are virtually qt already. how long did you have the other discus for, if its been like a couple weeks and they eat and do everything fine your ok.

The only other thing I can think of is shipping some times they can get stressed and get sick. so if you can pick them up from the breeder do it.