View Full Version : Help with sick fish

10-16-2008, 11:15 AM
I have a 3.5 inch discus that has stopped eating. It is one of 12 that I have had in a grow out tank for 3 weeks, every one else is doing fine. I don't see any obvious signs of illness. No lesions, no spots, I haven't seen any feces to examine. He just looks dark blue and hides in the back of the tank.

I would like to isolate him to examine him better and treat him but my qt tank is currently housing a dolphin mormyrid that I've had for just a few days and he's not ready for the display. Can I examine and treat the discus with the dolphin in the tank? Raise temps and maybe metro? Should I put the dolphin in with the other discus? I don't want to treat the grow out tank until I know whats going on.

Sorry I can't provide pics. My camera'a broke.

Thanks for your help.


10-16-2008, 05:28 PM
Do not treat in the tank with the dolphin morymid, these are intolerant of virtually all meds we use, in particular dye based meds (MB, Acriflavine, F&MG, Copper.....) and they don't do good with salt either!!

Personally I wouldn't risk breaking QT either. Bit of a rock and hard place if you have no other tanks.

Two options, 1 is to do a salt dip, 3 tablespoons in a gallon of clean water and dip for 20 mins. Try and do a wipe down and w/c during this - but watch the fish in case it rolls. If it rolls remove immediately. The other is to use a shotgun med like quick cure in the grow out tank, follow dosing instructions.