View Full Version : Trim this on my Sword or plant it?

10-20-2008, 06:24 PM
I have a sword of some sort that I just finish trimming and wasn't sure what to do with the part that seemed to spawn a lot of little ones.

Here is the picture not sure if I can just cut and plant those. First time having live plants.

10-20-2008, 07:27 PM
I have a sword of some sort that I just finish trimming and wasn't sure what to do with the part that seemed to spawn a lot of little ones.

Here is the picture not sure if I can just cut and plant those. First time having live plants.

Yep you can just plant those babies they will grow like your big one.

10-20-2008, 09:17 PM
When i bought my 2 amazon swords they both made runners(what you are asking about) Now i have over 10 HUGE amazon swords and ive given about 10 away! Like previously stated just plant them, Somtimes getting smaller ones to root is a bit difficult you can trim them from that stem and just let them float until they get a better root system.This is what ive had to do. Good luck


10-22-2008, 02:34 PM
The pics you posted show good root systems on the plantlets so I'd just cut the whole runner branch from the mother plant, cut the branch from the the plantlets, maybe snip a bit offf the tips the roots, which will induce them to grow roots when you plant them, and that's all. Another way to do it if the roots are not well matured on the plantlets is to bend the branch down, pin it [with a rock or whatever at both ends] cover the root portion of the plantlets with your substrate and let them grow better roots while still being fed by the mother plant. When you see them growing decent leaves, you can cut away the branch and replant the young plants if desired.
Best regards