View Full Version : What kind of background

10-23-2008, 12:29 PM
I'm just wondering what type of background people use?

I currently have a pretty dark background. Where it looks like plants and some driftwood.

Was wondering if there was something else I can put on the back or just remove it all togheter.

Trying to get the colors to pop out more. Since when some fish get in the back its harder to see thier colors.

10-23-2008, 12:42 PM
I like the lighter backgrounds myself take this thread for example: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=65635

Matt uses the Krylon "ocean breeze" color I really think that is a good lighter shade.

All The Best


10-23-2008, 04:50 PM
Light Blue is nice.


Don Trinko
10-23-2008, 06:17 PM
Wallmart has poster board in different colors. Very cheap also. Don T.

10-23-2008, 08:08 PM
Hi Craig,
I use a light yellow on some and a light blue on others. I spray painted it on the backs of the tanks. I also use the stick on backing applied with soap and water then smoothed out with a credit card, looks great.

10-25-2008, 06:36 PM
I kinda kill two birds with one stone sort a speakin. I went to Lowes and got the 1" foam insulation. Its a great color and isulates the tank at the same time as you can see on my 125G...:) The other tanks are just spray painted but will have the same insulation on them tomarrow.
