View Full Version : introducing ABNs to my discus tank...again

10-28-2008, 09:07 AM
hi, this is my 3rd try. My main discus tank is set at 84F and my QT is at 79F, I do take a long time acclimating them from one tank to another, and the chemistry of the two tanks are very similar(same trated tab water from my kitchen faucet).

The first time I had a trio that grew to a good size but mysteriously died after 6 month. The second time I had 6 1.5-2 inches juvies, but they were shy and died soon after moving to the tank. I've been suspecting it's the warm temperature since everything else(water quality and parameter) is fine.

This time around I kept the juvies ABN in a QT for 3 month and trying to grow them larger before I move them to the discus tank. They are growing quite slow exept the one that turned long fin and brown. The brown long fin is about 2.5 inches while all the others are range from 1-2 inches. Will a daily WC make them grow faster. How can I grow them faster? I feed them algae discs and boiled zucinni.


10-28-2008, 09:39 AM
You may wish to visit www.planetcatfish.com for info on albino bristlenose plecos and their care. IMHO they need considerable algae along with wood to rasp on. As I am sure you have observed Many Discus are also fond of algae discs or wafers. I have two long finned albino bristlenose plecos and they are fed spirulina flake food after dark, algae wafers after dark, shrimp pellets after dark, Zuchinni , cucumber, bannana, sweet red bell pepper and they have considerable algae on the decorations(rock, driftwood.) to nibble on. I might try and slowly raise the temp in QT tank before moving them to higher temp in discus tank if you are not already doing so. Many of the male bristlenose will tussle with other males. Algae is an important part of their diet. could it be the discus are eating the algae discs before plecos find them?:)