View Full Version : Ick - Please help

10-31-2008, 12:49 AM
I ordered some discus from a simply sponsor. One of the discus was for a co-worker. The discus “Little Blue” spent 2 weeks in my tank and I got attached to him. All of my discus are doing fine and love their new home.

My co-worker just called me and said that 3 of his fish in Little Blues tank has ick. (Little Blue does not have it) Little Blue is still the only discus in the tank. I need to talk to him about that....
Anyways...I don’t have any experience with ick. I should also add that a 7 inch Chinese algae eater was stuck to his side. So I’m sure he is a little injured. My co-worker said the algae eater would be gone in the morning. How contagious is ick? How much of a chance does Little Blue have contracting ick?

Should I give my co-worker his money back and take Little Blue back? I would keep him in quarantine...but for how long? What would be the best treatment for him?

10-31-2008, 03:47 AM
If fish in "little blues" tank have ICH then it is only a matter of time before the Discus contracts it also. I have had success with Poduct QUICK CURE found at most walmarts that carry fish supplies. It is important to follow the directions carefully and remove carbon from filter if carbon is being used in the filter. If your friend would... I would try and purchase the fish from them .

Don Trinko
10-31-2008, 09:03 AM
Your freind needs to educate themselves abought discus.
1. one discus seldom works because most other fish are agressive eaters, most discus are not.
2. Discus need a higher temperature, Minimum of 82, preferably 84 to 86.
3. Discus need clean water to thrive. This means frequent water changes.
4. Discus seldom get ick but they can.
There are many other things. They need to do some reading. Don T.

10-31-2008, 09:27 AM
I think Don has it right. If little blue has no symptons and the others do than you need to dig further. Ed

10-31-2008, 12:36 PM
Thank you for your advice. I'm going to try to get Litttle Blue back today. I hope our schedules will work that way. He works days and I work nights. I'm going to set up the quarantine tank and call my co-worker after I get done writing this.

How long should Little Blue stay in quarantine? Should I treat him with Quick Cure even though hes showing no symptoms? Should I use salt if he get a wound on his side from the alage eater?

Don...I told him to come to this web site long before the discus was shipped to me. I guessing, he did not :(

10-31-2008, 01:29 PM
I am no expert but were it my fish I would quarantine for four weeks at 84 degrees and use salt. I have used quick cure on discus at half dose, only because there were neon tetras in the tank as well. Could be salt and proper temp. is all that is needed and would prolly be how I would go.With improved water conditions and frequent water changes The wound will have less chance of developing secondary infection.