View Full Version : lighting question..

11-08-2008, 05:41 PM
hi guys, it's me again.. i am planning to move my aquarium in the basement, and there is no window where i want the tank in. if i turn off the light in that room, it is really really dark.

should i keep the aquarium lights on, for the discus? will they be fine if the lights off? i have the timer, and it will turn on in a designated time that i setup, i only have juvies..

what do you think guys?


White Worm
11-08-2008, 10:41 PM
They should be fine but I wouldnt have it bright when they do come on if it is pitch black. Maybe a night light for the room.

11-09-2008, 12:26 PM
My tanks in the dining room on a wall. Which isn't the brightest area of the apartment but there is light. Only thing was is that it was near the walking area and at night if you walked by it would spook the the Discus.

I ended up buying four moonlights and installing them in my canopy so at night they came on when they lights went off. Now when people walk by at night they don't seem to get spooked as much. It also helps where I can see some of my nocturnal fish move around alot more. My Octos,King Tiger pleco, seem to be more active at night.

I like them and would recommend them.